Business projects management tool right now

Business projects management tool right now

Business plans management tool 2022? Easily plan, collaborate, organize, and deliver projects of all sizes on time using a single project planning software with all the right tools in place. Next to it you will find a video support in which the advantages and benefits of using the MIP Platform are presented. A designated Expert can monitor one or more Business Plans (PAs), both on the entire PA and on monitoring components (Budget / UK, Operations, etc.). Experts are managed as functions. An account (user = email) can be associated with one or more projects, and in a project, the expert can occupy several functions. Discover even more information at manage business plans. The document library is loaded by the management team and is used by Experts, according to the methodology of each project.

Through the MIP platform, you manage the following aspects of the projects being implemented: Project Management (simultaneous of up to 6 projects) and the Partners associated to each of them; Management of planned activities and sub-activities of the project; Project team management and association of partners, functions and users; Management of Functions and Experts, respectively of the elements associated with them: actions, budgeted hours by positions, job description responsibilities.

MIP online platform – is useful for the simultaneous management of all projects carried out in parallel by beneficiaries with teams over 10 experts and who want to boost their performance. By using the platform, you save resources (material and human), time and money, on request it is added as benefits the elimination of losses, from financial corrections, applied by AM / OIR – due to errors, non-correlations between expert reporting documents. Planning activities / experts with the help of a specific planning action, which can be further customized according to the activity carried out.

The package combines the advantages of the simultaneous use of the two macro-modules: MIP and Business Plan, managing both the Funding Source Project and the Business Plans financed by it. This ensures an excellent tool for monitoring business plans with the automatic loading of deliverables generated by PA, directly in the Monitoring Expert Calendar. The package MIP & Business Plan (PA) , allows access to the project team (Project Manager, appointed monitoring experts) what it implements Project Source of funding (managed by MIP), to all Business Plans (StartUps) financed by this umbrella project, in order to monitor their activity. Discover additional info at

MIP online platform – is useful for the simultaneous management of all projects carried out in parallel by beneficiaries with teams of over 25 and 250 experts and who want to boost their performance. The package combines the advantages of the simultaneous use of the two macro-modules: MIP and Business Plan, managing both the Funding Source Project and the Business Plans financed by it. This ensures an excellent tool for monitoring business plans with the automatic loading of deliverables generated by PA, directly in the Monitoring Expert Calendar.

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