Mitotic checkpoint regulation teaching

Mitotic checkpoint regulation teaching

Numerical simulation guides and extra science info? The mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint (MSAC) is an important regulatory mechanism of the cell cycle, ensuring proper chromosome segregation in mitosis. It delays the transition to anaphase until all chromosomes are properly attached to the mitotic spindle by emitting a diffusible “wait anaphase”-signal from unattached kinetochores. Current models of the checkpoint disregard important spatial properties like localization, diffusion and realistic numbers of kinetochores. To allow for in silico studies of the dynamics of these models in a more realistic environment, we introduce a mathematical framework for quasi-spatial simulation of localized biochemical processes that are typically observed during checkpoint activation and maintenance.

BackgroundThe Mitotic Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (MSAC) is an evolutionary conserved mechanism that ensures the correct segregation of chromosomes by restraining cell cycle progression from entering anaphase until all chromosomes have made proper bipolar attachments to the mitotic spindle. Its malfunction can lead to cancer.Principle FindingsWe have constructed and validated for the human MSAC mechanism an in silico dynamical model, integrating 11 proteins and complexes. The model incorporates the perspectives of three central control pathways, namely Mad1/Mad2 induced Cdc20 sequestering based on the Template Model, MCC formation, and APC inhibition. Originating from the biochemical reactions for the underlying molecular processes, non-linear ordinary differential equations for the concentrations of 11 proteins and complexes of the MSAC are derived.

We suggest a new type of modeling approach for the coarse grained, particle-based spatial simulation of combinatorially complex chemical reaction systems. In our approach molecules possess a location in the reactor as well as an orientation and geometry, while the reactions are carried out according to a list of implicitly specified reaction rules. Because the reaction rules can contain patterns for molecules, a combinatorially complex or even infinitely sized reaction network can be defined. For our implementation (based on LAMMPS), we have chosen an already existing formalism (BioNetGen) for the implicit specification of the reaction network. This compatibility allows to import existing models easily, i.e., only additional geometry data files have to be provided. Discover additional details at Computing chemical droplet neurons by Bashar Ibrahim.

For successful mitosis, metaphase has to be arrested until all centromeres are properly attached. The onset of anaphase, which is initiated by activating the APC, is controlled by the spindle assembly checkpoint MSAC. Mad2, which is a constitutive member of the MSAC, is supposed to inhibit the activity of the APC by sequestering away its co-activator Cdc20. Mad1 recruits Mad2 to unattached kinetochores and is compulsory for the establishment of the Mad2 and Cdc20 complexes. Recently, based on results from in vivo and in vitro studies, two biochemical models were proposed: the Template and the Exchange model. Here, we derive a mathematical description to compare the dynamical behaviour of the two models. Our simulation analysis supports the Template model. Using experimentally determined values for the model parameters, the Cdc20 concentration is reduced down to only about half.

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