Lower back pain specialist in Allen, Texas

Lower back pain specialist in Allen, Texas

Some tricks to prevent neck pain. Eat right. “If you maintain good eating habits, you not only will maintain a healthy weight, but you also will not put unnecessary stress on your body,” Lustig says. A steady diet of excessively spicy or fast food can strain your nervous system, which is going to create back problems, she adds. Conversely, a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, dairy products, and whole grains will keep your digestive tract on track. “If your intestines are working and functioning properly, that will maintain your spine because your inside and your outside relate to one another,” Lustig says. “I have found that many people who come in complaining of low back pain also have irritated bowels.”

Lighten your load: Improper or heavy lifting is a common cause of back pain, but it doesn’t only happen to people who lift heavy boxes on the job. Carrying a bulky laptop bag, suitcase, camera, or a load of groceries can also cause a strain on your back. Whenever possible, take some weight off your shoulders by carrying less, distributing the weight to both sides of your body, or shifting the weight from shoulder to shoulder. Consider using a rolling cart or bag with wheels for heavier loads like bags of groceries or boxes of files.

At Allen Health Chiropractic, we use decompression therapy as a non-surgical meathod of releiving upper, mid, lower and neck pain. The spine is made up of dozens of bones and cushioned by a discs called intervertebral discs. Over time with use and poor posture the discs will degenerate wich affects the intervertebral discs. Spinal decompression was designed and proven to be an effective way to releive pain in those who suffer from neck and back pain. Decompression treatment takes approximately 30-45 minutes. Exact details are entered in to a computer and the program begins to releive pressure. Spinal decompression mainly releived pressure and pain in the back and neck area. See extra details at Spinal decompression therapy.

How do you then handle a throbbing headache? Are you the type to apply quick medications and hope the pain disappears? Do you just disregard it? Have you tried sleeping it off? Have you considered the option of visiting a chiropractor doctor to help with this situation? The spinal manipulation which is our fundamental form of treatment has been proven to be an efficient type of treatment for straining headaches as well as headaches associated with the neck. The spinal manipulation also aids with relieving cervicogenic and migraine form of headaches.

The shoulders, elbows, and hands need stretching too! Arm circles loosen up the elbows and shoulders. To do arm circles, stand up tall with feet hip-width apart. Extend the arms out wide, palms facing down. Start making small circles in the air in a clockwise motion for 15 seconds. Then go 15 seconds in the opposite direction. Repeat for 3-5 sets of 30 seconds. The knee to chest stretch opens up the lower back, butt, and knees. Lying on the back with knees bent, bring one knee up towards the torso. Pull the knee closer until there is a pull. The stretch can be done in several ways. For example, extend one leg while bringing the next leg to the chest. Or bring both knees to the chest simultaneously. When stretching with arthritis, take a few minutes to warm up. Take a brisk walk around the room or house. Finally, stretch daily, choosing the time of day with the least arthritic pain and don’t over do it. Everything in moderation. Doctors often recommend stretching and exercise to help patients manage arthritis. Integrate the four techniques into a daily routine. Arthritis patients can also seek help from a physical therapist for a personalized plan. Don’t be afraid to stretch!

The method of chiropractic treatment commonly consists of manual therapy which includes manipulation, mobilizations and soft tissue therapy. A manipulation which is also known as an adjustment is a swift small shove to the spine or other parts of the body with the intention of giving instant pain relief and mobility. A less rapid, more lethargic movements or stretches that aids with stiff joint relief is known as mobilization. Soft tissue therapy simply refers to the various methods based on relieving distress without causing movement. Source: Chiropractor Allen TX.

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