Interventions and therapy services by Assisted Interventions Inc. today

Interventions and therapy services by Assisted Interventions Inc. today

Interventions and therapy services from Assisted Interventions Inc. right now: The fact that the vast majority of our interventions and transports end with a smile, a “thank you,” a hand-shake, and more often than not, a hug, is a clear and powerful indication that your child in the hands of Assisted Interventions is a child experiencing Dignity, Compassion and Safety at this critical time in their young lives. At Assisted Interventions, we treat the “whole family.” Our carefully screened and selected staff of professionals is committed to guaranteeing a smooth transition for the entire family unit. We work closely with the educational consultants, individual therapists and therapeutic programs to provide a well-planned intervention and transport experience. See extra information on assisted interventions inc.

An intervention can prevent conflicts. One of the most important motives to consult an experienced interventionist is that the tension can get relatively high during this stressful period. An intervention is likely to cause a great deal of tension and pain to the surface. However, for the intervention to succeed, all participants must remain at peace and resist the urge to assign blame to the other or one of them. An interventionist will ensure that the process runs smoothly and that everyone emerges from the event calmly. Interventionists can guide you on what to say and provide you the chance to help those you care about to stop their drug addiction.

Besides these qualifications, an interventionist should also be able to: Identify whether or not your teen has an addiction. Make the correct recommendations for placement. Teach family communication and bonding skills. Understand your teen’s behavior within the context of the family system. What to Expect During the Intervention? Once you’ve hired an interventionist, it’s helpful to know what to expect during the actual intervention so you can be prepared. First, there are 2 main types of interventions: invitational and confrontational.

What is the role of the parent during the intervention? We will instruct you regarding every step of the process. The intervention and transport team will brief you once again upon arrival at your home. Remember, we are there to assist and guide you throughout the intervention process. Will my child understand what is happening? Part of your role will be to introduce the intervention team to your child. From that point on it will be the responsibility of the team to explain to your child the transport, and to prepare them for transition into the program.

Prepare your reaction, and prepare for your child’s: If you discovered your child is using drugs, your preliminary reaction may tell you to be angry, and to initiate the conversation right away. Because adolescents are at a sensitive age, teen intervention must be approached differently in order to get a point across. You want the conversation to have flow, and you do not want to give your teen the opportunity to walk out in the middle of it. To do so, it’s helpful to focus on how drug use is affecting your child—rather than your family. Your main goal through this intervention is to keep your child safe. To do this, you will need to create a safe environment for your teen to confess his habits, and a quiet place for you to listen. This is not only about having your child listen to you, but also about you listening to him.

Signs Your Teen Is Addicted: First, it’s helpful to determine if your teen is actually addicted to a substance. While a mental health or medical professional is the only one who can officially diagnose your child, having a foundation of accurate information is important for you as a parent. The following are some of the most common general indicators of teenage drug use. Physical signs and symptoms may include: Slurred speech, Bloodshot eyes, Dilated pupils, Fatigue or excessive drowsiness. Change of friends: Your teen may start hanging out with different kids who might engage in negative or questionable activities your child didn’t use to take part in. Socially withdrawing: A teen who is abusing drugs or alcohol may prefer to spend the majority of time in their room, for instance, or they might avoid normal social activities that they used to enjoy. Read additional information at

Adolescents, because of their stage of development, need limits to help guide them in the right direction. By having rules, they can make more practical decisions. Rules will help your child in the long run, not stunt him. By establishing firm consequences, such as grounding if he does not tell the truth, you can show that you are serious about this problem and remind him of what not to do in the future. Seek professional help: It takes a lot of courage to seek help for your teen, but as a parent, know that it is your responsibility to keep him out of harm’s way. While treatment may be hard to accommodate at first in those milestone teen years, it will be his best chance of combating drug and alcohol dependence.

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