Daily Archive April 15, 2019

Easy Ways to Overcome Sensitivity

Signs you can be a sensitive personality type (HSP) : If you often get the strong urge to retreat and resort to solitude to soothe your senses or your stimulation levels, you could be sensitive. If you always pay attention to the details of everything and quickly notice changes in your environment, the chances are that you are more than just a sleuth. You could find yourself being sensitive down the road. Due to deep mind processing, you might have a rich inner world. When you were a kid, if you had a rich imagination and people were always amused by what you came with, you could be a sensitive person. Several signs indicate that a person might be sensitive or become sensitive. General and surprising signs like being intuitive or prolonged hunger are all backed by research and indeed show the presence or the probable birth of a sensitive attitude.

Are you a highly sensitive person? Do you know someone in your personal or professional life who may be highly sensitive? High sensitivity can be defined as acute physical, mental, and emotional responses to external (social, environmental) or internal (intra-personal) stimuli. A highly sensitive person may be an introvert, an extrovert, or somewhere in between.

Highly sensitive people tend to be hard on themselves and others. Changing the way you think about a situation can change the way you feel. For example, if your thoughts are focused on how unfair your boss is or how mean your sister is, you’re likely going to continue to feel bad. However, replacing those thoughts with healthier, more balanced thoughts, can help you feel better. Try reminding yourself that everyone makes mistakes and accept the fact that others will hurt your feelings at times.

So, you are super sensitive. So what? That isn’t the end of the world. Being very sensitive to stimuli around you is okay. The 21st century contains more labels than any other century. There is a label for literally everything. Almost as if there was a secret, invisible influencing force, people tend to judge and discriminate based on these futile labels. Unfortunately, Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is a label too. More info on Self Care Tips for Sensitive People.

People are often kinder to other people going through the same problem as themselves. Seeing a problem from your own perspective can get you stuck in the same thinking patterns. Looking at the problem as if you were not directly affected by it can bring in a sense of objectivity that can help solve problems faster. Think of whether the problem truly requires your attention.

Category One: Sensitivity About Oneself. Often has difficulty letting go of negative thoughts and emotions. Frequently feels physical symptoms (i.e. stress or headache) when something unpleasant happens during the day.

Category Two: Sensitivity About Others. Alternatively, often discusses negative emotions with others because there’s a lot of “drama” in one’s life.

Sensitive people are not boring, weird or abnormal people. They tend to be some of the most caring, loving, and sincere people, who are quite emotional and have strong instincts about everything. If you feel like you may be of this nature, you need to understand that, you have not done anything wrong or you are probably not the odd one out. You are quite normal like us all and you can relax. Yes, it is okay to be highly sensitive. It means your aware. Extra details on Relax sensitive.

The cornerstone of being an HSP is you process information deeply. This means you do plenty of reflecting on your experiences — more so than other people. Unfortunately, this also means you’re more prone to negative overthinking. Sometimes you obsessively play events over and over in your mind or spiral into anxious thoughts.

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