Best Dubai for charity interior design services with Taru Kalenov

Best Dubai for charity interior design services with Taru Kalenov

Women in need charity by Dubai interior design leader Taru Kalenov: When we help people in need, when we lift them up and help them build life skills, we don’t help just them. We help our society and our planet- we help build our children’s future. Charity creates powerful positive ripples-and it’s not just a plate of food and somewhere warm to sleep. It’s the feeling of being seen as a human. The photo of the child and the vulture made the world see the brutal reality in Africa. The photo of the Syrian children refugees drowned in the Aegean, and now the largest refugee crisis in a century with people fleeing Ukraine- the world is in deep humanitarian crisis. We can’t afford to stay blind to the pain of other people. And they don’t need to be on the other side of the world. They live among us, too. The homeless, the single moms without a job, people furloughed in this deep crisis that previously enjoyed normal lives. See even more info at Taru Kalenov.

One of the new interior design trends is the use of antique, retro, and repurposed pieces in your home to give your place a vintage look. Key elements to this theme are the use of strong colors and traditional-style furniture with just a pop of color. Contrast works well with vintage themes. One of the benefits of vintage interior designs is that you can build upon it over time and add fusion elements to the design, including statement lighting and richer fabric to give it a more contemporary style. No one can go wrong with nature’s color palette. You can use beautiful warm shades of browns, mustard, dusky, taupes, greys, pinks, and greens mixed with some crème and gold to bring a sense of calmness, comfort, and wellbeing into your home.

Animals in need charity advices by Dubai interior design leader Taru Kalenov: Shelters and rescue groups always need towels, toys and other supplies. Check their websites for wishlists; if they don’t have one, call them to find out what’s in short supply and offer to create an online wishlist for them. The value of fosters can’t be overrated. They can be lifesavers for pets who can’t adapt to shelter life, those who need to be nursed back to health and orphaned kittens who need someone to step in for their mom (or whose needs are beyond what busy shelter staff can often provide). Foster homes are the backbone of many rescue groups—without a strong network of foster providers, rescue groups simply could not take in as many animals. Foster homes can also become adoption ambassadors to friends, family and colleagues who otherwise may not visit the shelter. If you already have pets of your own, fostering is also often very fun for the resident pet.

Taru Kalenov about interior design trends in Dubai 2022 : One of the most classical combinations in existence is that of checks and stripes. You cannot go wrong with this interior design trend. Stripes, particularly two-color stripes, are the easiest pattern to work with since they can be mixed with all other types of patterns. Stripes pair particularly well with checks and complement the geometry in them. For this year, it is a good idea to take checks and stripes in two or three colors to give your room a nice, put-together look, without making it seem to chaotic.

We are starving to matter or leave an impact; That is the frenzy of social media. Focusing upon others brings this in the quickest, easiest, and most profoundly transforming way. It challenges us to look broader, outside of ourselves, and acknowledge who has needs? This desire and vision bring out the very best in us. It brings out our love, compassion, and our humanity. It allows us to save. And in saving another, sometimes we save ourselves. Charity requires us to be important by making others more important. It magnifies this. Because that’s what charity is. It needs us to give. And giving becomes power, which makes everyone valuable, simply because we are here. And in being here, we can choose to be the feet and hands of service, compassion, and love, which instills hope in life, in another, and in humanity.

Animal abuse charity by Dubai interior design expert Taru Kalenov: Decades of research show that giving to others has a number of positive psychological and even physiological benefits. It shifts the focus from the self to others, improves our well-being, and makes us healthier (it’s been linked to reducing depression and increasing life span). In general, people are happier when spending money on others than on themselves. And that warm, fuzzy feeling actually happens in our body! The act of giving releases endorphins and oxytocin, which can give us a “helper’s high.“ Charitable giving enables people to put their beliefs and values into meaningful action. When we support a cause, organization, or person we care about, it makes us feel like we’re part of the solution and something bigger than ourselves.

Best Dubai interior design trends with Taru Kalenov: To give you an example of how home decorating trends are influenced, let’s take a look at the post-World War I era of the “Roaring ‘20s,” featuring over-the-top parties and girls in flapper dresses. Since the people were breathing a sigh of relief from the war, they were seeking opulence and glamor. Hence, during those days, the Art Deco style came to life featuring ornate wallpapers, elaborate chandeliers, furs, and silk draped across sofas, and other luxury interior design trends.

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