Bridal shower invitations from

Bridal shower invitations from

Bridal shower invitations? These are a staple at springtime brunches, but they look even prettier in pink. At this real wedding, the dance floor was set beneath a floral sky, with delphiniums and lupines as a nod to the groom’s mother’s favorite flowers. “Toward the end of the night, our friends lifted us up above the crowd. We could reach up and touch the beautiful ceiling we’d been smelling all night,” says the bride.

In wedding lingo, an “off-site” wedding is one where the venue doesn’t have a commercial kitchen and where you need to bring everything in—think places like a park, a public beach, even an open field. If you’re planning your own wedding, having an “on-site” wedding—somewhere like a hotel or restaurant—will make the planning process that much easier as they’ll likely have a range of catering offerings available, as well as access to the basics, including designated space, chairs, and tables for your ceremony and/or reception. Making decisions about the wedding guest list can be a complicated process and one that will depend largely on your venue and budget. Sit down with your partner and key family members to put together a wish list of wedding guests. Chances are, you’ll need to make some cuts. You’ll also need to decide whether you’re inviting children and who will be allotted a plus one.

Your wedding is the best (and largest) dinner party of your life. So how exactly do you feed 150 of your nearest and dearest? Well, start with hiring people you trust to deliver—whether that’s the venue’s in-house caterer, a preferred caterer recommended by your planner, or even your favorite taco truck. And don’t be afraid to get creative with your menu! Your guests will enjoy tasting your favorite cocktail as much as they will your grandma’s blueberry pie. Pull up your Pinterest boards, people! It’s finally time to gather inspiration, select a color palette, and create a mood board. If you’re struggling for inspo, planner Jessica Sloane recommends taking a step back to look at things that are already in your world—like how you’ve decorated your house, what you are liking on Instagram, etc.—and draw inspiration from that. Discover more information on Wedding invitation template design.

Find a good photographer for your special day: When looking for a photographer, it should be someone who knows how to capture the most beautiful moments well. For instance, a warm suggestion is to consider someone like Ateia Photography because of their friendly and highly professional team. It is important that it’s someone with whom you can cooperate and who knows how to make you feel comfortable, especially if you’re planning a photoshoot to make some nice memories that will last for a lifetime.

Thank you for visiting Green Lander Designs! We offer high-quality wedding invitation templates, exclusively available on Etsy. With just the simple click of a button, you can purchase Instant Download templates to make wedding planning easy, elegant and fun. Please message me with any questions or custom design requests. Congratulations on your wedding and I wish you a lifetime of happiness. Happy Shopping! You can shop at our store on or on etsy website ( Find extra information at

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