Comprehensive guide to yoga training

Comprehensive guide to yoga training

Best yoga classes and several tips, this appears like a popular topic in 2019. Stress is up, life is complicated, more problems clouds our mind and yoga seems the best answer. What is Yoga? Yoga means union. Etymologically, it is connected to the English word, yoke. Yoga means union with God, or, union of the little, ego-self with the divine Self, the infinite Spirit. Most people in the West, and also many in India, confuse yoga with Hatha Yoga, the system of bodily postures. But yoga is primarily a spiritual discipline. Not that there’s anything wrong with practicing Hatha Yoga. The body is a part of our human nature, and must be kept fit so it doesn’t obstruct our spiritual efforts. However, those who are focused on self-realization do not necessarily have to practice it as much or at all. Hatha Yoga is the physical branch of Raja Yoga, the true science of yoga. Raja Yoga is a system of meditation techniques that help to harmonize human consciousness with the divine consciousness.

Shunya Mudra (Mudra of Emptiness): It is a Mudra of emptiness or heaven, which reduces the space element in the body. One hour of this Mudra, if done regularly, can reduce ear pain and watering of the eyes. It improves hearing, strengthens the bones, reduces heart diseases and throat problems. It heals thyroid diseases and fortifies the gums. It also opens the heart chakra and helps in meditation. All about Yoga Mudras with Their Benefits.

The Bridge yoga pose is a great front hip joints opener, it also strengthens your spine, opens the chest, and improves your spinal flexibility in addition to stimulating your thyroid. This pose brings many benefits to your body, such as the relief from stress, anxiety, insomnia and it can help with depression. The Vayu mudra is good for diseases related to air imbalances, such as gas-related pain, flatulence, joint pain, bloating, and abdominal discomfort. This mudra helps regulate Vata-related issues, both mental and physical, relieving them by bringing your air element back into its proper flow. Method: At first glance, this mudra may seem very similar to the Gyan mudra. The difference is the Vayu has you connect the thumb to the knuckle or hump of the index finger, as opposed to the fingertip in Gyan. Press down on the index finger to your level of comfort; this gesture is intended to relax not strain the joint. For optimal results, do your Pranayama exercises while holding this mudra.

Sukhasana (Easy Pose): You can sit in this position for any length of time, but if you practice this pose regularly, be sure to alternate the cross of the legs. A good rule of thumb: On even-numbered days, cross the right shin in front of the left, and on odd-numbered days, do the opposite. Alternately, you can divide the practice time in half, and spend the first half with your right leg forward, and the second half with the left leg forward. Sukhasana is a Sanskrit word where sukh means “pleasure” or “happiness”, and asana means “pose”. Sit in dhyanaposition, and connect with the higher power or universal energy. Yes, this pose is physically easy but mentally challenging. At the beginning of your meditation practice, let the random thoughts flow in peace in order to let them go. Then, after clearing your head, you can finally focus on the questions and answers of the world.

Types of Yoga: What are the four main types of yoga? Answer: karma, bhakti, jnana, and raja. Power yoga is a more active approach to the traditional Hatha yoga poses. The Ashtanga yoga poses are performed more quickly and with added core exercises and upper body work. The sequences are not the same every time, and there is often upbeat music. Vinyasa yoga can also be Power yoga, depending on the gym or studio that is hosting the class.

Popularised by celebrities worldwide, Ashtanga or the “eight limb path” is very physically demanding so you should not do this if you are a beginner or not in great physical shape. It involves doing multiple surynamaskars followed by standing and floor postures. There are six series of postures that have to be repeated in every class. This kind of yoga is also called Power Yoga and in this style you start with the primary series and then graduate to the next level when you have mastered it. It takes years of practice to master this form.

Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. During your first class, you probably won’t be able to touch your toes, never mind do a backbend. But if you stick with it, you’ll notice a gradual loosening, and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible. You’ll also probably notice that aches and pains start to disappear. That’s no coincidence. Tight hips can strain the knee joint due to improper alignment of the thigh and shinbones. Tight hamstrings can lead to a flattening of the lumbar spine, which can cause back pain. And inflexibility in muscles and connective tissue, such as fascia and ligaments, can cause poor posture.

If you’re a yoga beginner, hatha yoga, which focuses on basic postures at a comfortable pace, would be great for you. If you want to increase strength through using more of your own body’s resistance, power yoga may be right for you. If you’re ready for a deeper practice, Bikram, also called “hot yoga,” may be just what you’re looking for. In Bikram yoga, the room temperature is set to around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, resulting in greater elimination of toxins from the body through the increased production of sweat. No matter your fitness level, fat percentage, or health history, yoga has a style for you.

In India also many places available where you can learn yoga. Among these Places, Rishikesh is best described by nature to learn in a peaceful and spiritual environment. Rishikesh is also known as the ‘World Yoga Capital‘ because everyone knows that there can’t be any place better than Rishikesh to get this incredible knowledge. Here at Rishikesh, there are so many Yoga Schools to select. We know if someone comes here for the first time get very confused which school to shortlist for Yoga Teacher Training in India. There are many good Yoga Schools in Rishikesh, and YTTI is among one of them. Read extra details at

GMAT tutor guides

Let’s make a post today on GRE tutor price and, as a result, we will offer a few advices regarding all GMAT topics, focusing on advices about how to learn for your tests. Before you take the test, you should get comfortable interpreting data from a variety of graphs, charts, and simple spreadsheets so that you can readily understand each graphic that comes your way. There’s a lot of work in the GMAT IR section in only 30 minutes, so you don’t want to waste time trying to figure out how to read a certain type of graph. Some of the information given in an IR question setup will be unnecessary. Your task is not to interpret every piece of information, but rather to sift apart what’s important and what isn’t. Looking over the data first may help you get your bearings, but then you should read the question. Think carefully about what it’s asking and what you need to know—and don’t need to know—to answer it. Then, you can look directly for relevant information and pick it out from the table, chart, graph, or passage before you.

Be the elephant : Having a good memory comes in handy when taking the GMAT. After you’ve been studying for a while, redo questions you answered incorrectly at the start, to see if you have a new perspective, suggests Dennis Yim, Kaplan Test Prep’s director of academics. Just keep practicing. Keep a steady pace: “The GMAT is not a test you want to, or can cram for,” says Yim. “You need a long, realistic runway, and you need to make sure you have a game plan that focuses on learning strategies that you can take with you to test day.” In addition, you have to work within a certain timeframe. Take timed practice tests as often as you can to get used to the process and reduce stress, says Mike McGarry, GMAT curriculum manager at Magoosh.

Let’s suppose that you live in a city large enough to have a decent population of private GMAT tutors, and let’s suppose that you’ve collected a list of tutors from Craigslist or or Google or some other website. (And let’s suppose that you’re not looking for an online GMAT tutor, otherwise you would have called the number on the sidebar, right?) So how, exactly, should you go about figuring out which private GMAT tutors actually know what they’re talking about? Before I continue, let me be painfully honest about my own history as a private tutor: when I first started teaching GMAT lessons at a major test-prep firm more than a decade ago, I barely knew what I was doing. I was always a lively teacher, but you really shouldn’t have hired the 2001 version of GMAT Ninja; the GMAT is an incredibly nuanced exam, and it took some time for me to truly understand how to help my GMAT students succeed. I worked hard at my craft from the very start, but I know—with the benefit of hindsight—that I wasn’t the world’s best GMAT tutor when I first started out. See more info at private GMAT tutor.

Look for Wrong Answers Instead of Correct Ones: If you’re stuck on a question, be a smart guesser and use process of elimination to get rid of some of the wrong answers. Wrong answers are often easier to spot than correct answers. Sometimes they just sound weird. Other times they’re logically impossible. While it is rare to be able to eliminate all four of the incorrect answer choices on the GMAT, you will almost always be able to eliminate at least one of them. You’ll have a better chance of selecting the right one.

Set a deadline and respect it: It can be professional deformation, but I think that everything is indefinite has no real fate. Including the above objective must have a deadline, until it must be complete. It helps a lot, especially if you’re the kind of person who gets excited at first, starts various initiatives, but who, in the absence of consistency, doesn’t make things happen in the end. The teacher should be fun, not monotonous: therefore, it is advisable to feel good then you start learning, dressing in something comfortable and position yourself in a room where you enjoy spending your time. Try to take notes on colored sheets or write with pens of different colors, which will stimulate your creativity and prevent you from getting bored too quickly. Source:

How to maintain your hot tub clean

Here are some advices about how to maintain your hot tub and also a recommandation if you live in Colorado. But first let’s see the hot tub choice of the month : The Hudson Bay Spa XP34 offers the perfect balance between features and price. If you are the type of person looking for a hot tub that provides an excellent hydrotherapy experience but lacks some of the bells and whistles of more premium models this is the right hot tubs for your needs. This spa has a classic square shape design and an efficient yet powerful pump that is more than enough to power the 34 stainless steel jets. Made of heavy-duty high quality materials it is designed to be spacious and comfortable. The Hudson Spa XP34 is the perfect hot tub for your family and friends to relax and spend some quality time with each other; all in luxurious comfort.

Sometimes people lower the water temperature set point dramatically, usually to cool the water in the summer. The next thing they know, they are struggling to maintain water purity, and they think something is wrong because their spa no longer filters.

The only weekly hot tub maintenance chore is “shocking” the water with sanitizer. Whether you use chlorine or bromine, hitting your tub with an extra strong dose of the sanitizer once a week is an easy way to keep your water clear and crystal clean. Besides shocking your tub, other weekly maintenance rituals are specific to your water type and how often you use your spa. Foaming can be a problem if you use your spa regularly, and can be easily solved by pouring a small amount of foam reducer into the water once a week. And if you live in an area with high calcium or mineral content, you might want to hit your water with a de-scaling agent once a week as well. It will prevent mineral buildup in your pumps, hoses, and on the walls of the hot tub itself.

Tips for buying a hot tub : Acrylic is beautiful, durable, and versatile. Molds form it into contoured shapes for comfortable, form-fitting seating in a range of sizes. Supported by a frame, a wood or synthetic cabinet surrounds the spa. The equipment is completely contained within the surround. Acrylic hot tub prices vary from a few grand to over $15,000, but high prices don’t mean high value. Skip the dealer, buy online and get more tub for less money, without skimping on quality.

Vacuuming the spa can be accomplished with small vacuums that are either battery powered or garden hose powered. The Pool Blaster spa vacuums are battery operated and fast to use, or you can use the Grit Getter to suck up the little grains that gather in the corners. There are also spa vacs that connect to your vacuum hose for fast removal of even large leaves. Floating debris can be removed with a skimmer net. If you left the cover off during a windstorm and the spa is full of leaves, a skimmer net can also be used to scoop up the larger leaves under the water.

With an environment that revolves around Relaxation and comfort, your maintenance and service requirements should also be stress free. We handle all your needs, from weekly cleanings, to large repairs. Every step of the way we will keep completely up date and in the loop. Fortunately, we do not have a large physical location, that means you receive professional service without the retail price. Due to many service companies only working on models they sell and/or being behind schedule, your hot tub could sit for weeks without service. Because of this, your issues could become more costly. Freezing temperatures over this time can also potentially destroy a hot tub. See more details on

Don’t do it in a hot tub : Every public pool and spa in the United States must be equipped with ?an anti-entrapment drain cover. Learn pool and spa safety, how to install a compliant drain covers, and regularly maintain your pool and spa. Never use your spa during extreme weather conditions (i.e. electrical storms, tornados, hurricanes etc.). Go inside and reschedule your hot tub party for a clear day.

Water conditioners- We are a select supplier of “Soft Skin Spa” water conditioner to remove harshness of water sanitizing chemicals and reduce maintenance expenses. Salt Water Conversions – Dead Sea Salt Water Conversions bring the sea to your back yard and eliminate the need to add harsh chemicals. All Parts and labor are guaranteed for one year from the date of repair or replacement. Don’t rely on two different companies to install and set up your hot tub. Dr spa can fully wire and configure your hot tub so you only need to make one phone call for all your needs.

Replace your spa filter every 1-2 years, again depending on usage. Another way to do it is to change it every 10-15 cleanings, because that’s what really breaks down a cartridge. Every time it’s cleaned, fibers loosen up and it loses a little bit of its dirt trapping ability. Keep track of your spa filter’s age and/or cleaning cycles, because at some point soon it’s gonna be “Hasta la vista, baby!”

You might know them best from chemistry class, but enzymes aren’t just handy for processing food or making wine. These twisty little proteins get around to the strangest places—including your hot tub. Special enzyme products for your spa work the same way most other enzymes do: they break down organic compounds. In your hot tub, they break down fatty lipids from body oils, cosmetics, lotions, and other sources that might be lurking in your water. Dosed with enzymes, your hot tub and filter system will be cleaner, and your sanitizer will work more efficiently. Enzymes also keep your spa free of the “scum line” that can sometimes form at the water’s edge. Read extra details on Best Hot Tub Repair Service in Colorado.

In-Home inspection and quote Colorado

If you choose to live in your home without immediately dealing with foundation issues, you may end up having to deal with what we’ll call “referred” symptoms. Much like with health-related issues, referred symptoms are problems that don’t actually have to do with the core problem – the foundation – but result from it. Common referred symptoms from foundation problems include sagging floors, roof issues, cracks in walls and ceilings, compromised insulation, broken or cracked windows, and just about anything else.

We figured out a long time ago that if we put too much information on the website or sent out books about the work that we do, people would begin to try to self-diagnose their basement problems. Quite often the customer was trying to design solutions that were much too large for the problems that they were experiencing and had scared themselves of the cost before we even showed up to the appointment. So rather than provide a WebMD of foundation repair, we decided to simply tell you how we operate as a business and hope to engage you in a real conversation about the exact problems you’re experiencing. Once you know all of the information we expect you will make a great decision as to how to repair your home.

At first, a minuscule crack in the wall or the slight buckling of the foundation might not seem like an immediate problem for your home. Minor issues are often overlooked and neglected—until the problem becomes much larger and compromises the overall stability of your home. The best defense against escalating expenses is to scan for potential signs of foundation damage and address these issues as soon as they appear. Many of these signs often manifest in other parts of the home, usually several levels above the underlying foundation.

The tell-tale sign that drought could impact your home’s foundation is in the ground just around the exterior. If you see cracks in the dirt then the moisture from the soil has evaporated. Depending on how deep the dryness goes it can increase the severity of potentially necessary repairs. A homeowner can water their foundation but it may not solve the problem in its entirety. Is DIY even an option for repairing a cracked foundation? As materials, tools and instructions become more readily available online more people feel confidence in learning how to repair things like a foundation. The foundation around your house can be repaired or maintained by you with minimal tools in some circumstances. Doing some low cost repairs can help to fix leaks, cracks or areas of crumbling concrete or mortar. Those who are ready to tackle simple methods to repair their foundation can start with things that they can see with the naked eye. There are many repairs a handywoman can do for just a couple hundred dollars and a small investment of time. Small cracks from settling can be injected with a grout product that provides increased stability. A stone foundation could be painted with a waterproofing paint. I did this on the inside of the foundation wall in my basement, for example. More on that in a bit. See extra info on Foundation contractor Colorado.

CCTV Security solutions

We will discuss the best CCTV security solutions, while presenting one of the best firms on the UK CCTV security market. If any motion is detected, the camera automatically sends you mobile alerts and records the activity for you to review. The best security cameras also offer a real-time view and are equipped with two-way audio to scare off intruders using your mobile device. Some fully-monitored home security systems also notify your security provider’s monitoring center of motion-triggered activity. Whether day or night, your security camera system is designed to watch over your home even when you’re away. It’s powered to automatically detect and alert you of any activity.

Our dedicated, multi-disciplined team of engineers will install your security system; and included in the cost of your security solution is regular, pre-planned maintenance, which will be scheduled to fit in with your unique security plan. We understand that when our customers’ equipment fails their productivity suffers. Therefore our 24/7 helpdesk ensures defective equipment will be restored back to fully functional as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our team of mobile engineers provide a consistently high level of service, offering call outs any day, any time. See more details on CCTV Security Maintenance.

For an outdoor camera that does more than record video and send alerts, make sure it works with other smart devices. Many recent outdoor Wi-Fi cameras offer support for IFTTT (If This Then That), an internet service that uses mini programs (applets) that you create to have the camera interact with other IFTTT-enabled devices. For example, you can have a smart plug turn on a lamp indoors or activate an external siren when the camera detects motion. Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant voice commands are also finding their way into many of the latest cameras, and allow you to do things like display video from the camera on an Amazon Echo Show or a Google Assistant smart display. If you have a home automation hub, look for a camera that you can integrate into your smart home to have it work with other smart devices like door locks.

Envision aim to deliver affordable and innovative security solutions that meet your needs and provide you the ultimate protection. We design, install, maintain and monitor a range of security products and services internationally. Our services provide the extra peace of mind you need and the protection of your assets. We specialize in remote monitoring and provide a fully managed service. Envision National Operations Centre is a highly specified, resilient and secure Alarm Receiving Centre and Remote Video Receiving Centre, certificated to the new international standards for CAT II ARC. The Envision Arc is central to Envision’s operations. As well as the monitoring ReconEyez security cameras, our dedicated team of controllers operate 24.7, monitoring our range of services. See more info on

This ANNKE CCTV system is one of the most popular on the market. A low price point and overwhelming positive reviews helped the ANNKE make our top five. The ANNKE’s video timeline shows where moments of motion occurred so you can easily skim back and see the video activity for the day, which is a big plus for this system. The ANNKE also has the same motion-detection zone feature as the Amcrest. However, you get what you pay for, and with a lower price point, this system won’t give you all the extra features some other CCTV systems have. Many similarly priced systems include a hard drive, which this system does not. One of the biggest complaints about the ANNKE is that the cameras are made out of plastic, which makes it easy to strip the screws, so make sure you’re careful installing all the components. Customers also report less-than-stellar night vision quality beyond 15 feet. Similar to the JOANN system above, you get about 10 days of recording with four cameras in 1080p at 12fps. But always consult with a CCTV professional company!

Regardless of property size or complexity of your business, Envision can design and install intruder alarm systems to fully meet your requirements, and also integrate it with your CCTV System. Our intruder alarms adhere to the latest regulations and can be fitted as audible only, or on a fully monitored basis, allowing a choice of agreed actions, including police response. We utilise a full range of state-of-the-art detection devices, including motion detection, vibration sensors, glass break detection and magnetic contacts, and have the ability to enhance your system with hold-up alarms, and other smart technology. Read more info on Intruder Security Monitoring.

Chip tuning or remapping advices

Car chip tuning tips? Performance Chips It is possible to buy performance chips that you can install in your car yourself or specialist companies offer a replacement service where they supply and fit the performance chip. These are often off the shelf maps designed to suit a wide range of cars. They do offer benefits over standard but as with all generic mods, they can never compete with a custom map designed specifically for your car and driving style. We are often asked if chip tuning works on all engines.

The ECU response will continue to correspond to lower octane even though you have started using higher-octane fuel. This is because the ECU has not been reset for higher octane. Thus even though higher octane is in actual use, the data in ECU memory still corresponds to that of lower octane. This mismatch affects performance, as you are unable to derive the benefits of boosting the octane. Therefore you should reset your ECU periodically after filling up full tank in order to ensure that ECU adjustments for its octane memory are made afresh corresponding to the octane actually in use. You can even customize resetting of your ECU so as to enable it to adapt itself to seasonal changes. Since humidity, air density, oxygen levels etc in air affect performance you could reset the ECU to adapt to these variables too. Read more details on chip tuning.

If you can’t get DAMOS and compressor map, you simple become PERCENT-MASTER !!! What really chiptuners do is to seek maps according to well known patterns (see picture below) then guess its function and increase original values by percentage. Magic of commercial chiptuning because if you have no documentation, you don’t really know what you do and change ROLF. For example, my ECU contain nine Driver Wish maps and my teacher changed them all as suggest every guide on internet. Great advice right? First map is cold start, second is AWD or automatic gearbox, followed by maps for 1st to 6th gear. Then come maps for DPF regeneration and they look all similar !!!

What exactly can chip tuning bring me? With our professional chip tuning, we increase the performance of your engine up to 40% with a low additional load on the entire engine. And we don’t forget about fuel consumption either: With the same driving style, it is even possible to reduce fuel consumption. Your engine will be far sportier and better attuned to you. Please keep in mind that you have to adapt your software professionally when the components have been changed. Our chip tuning experts will be glad to advise you!

The chip in your auto’s dashboard, otherwise called the electronic control unit, is the segment of your auto that supervises the greater part of the electrical frameworks in the vehicle. Vehicles worked after the mid-1970s have these chips; they control the fuel infusion, start, vehicle security, speed overseeing, valve direction and different frameworks too. Since every producer uses a marginally unique chip innovation, and everyone is balanced in an unexpected way, it’s imperative that you inquire about your vehicle and look for ecu tuning files bmw expert meeting before you start.

Our Chip Tuning re-mapping process enhances and optimises the power of the engine within safe limits, not beyond them. Extra power will also result in fewer gear changes. Manufacturers have to build in a tolerance for the parts in the engine, to manage the effect of wear and tear, production variations, and to ensure their warranty claims during their warranty period normally 3 years, are kept to a minimum. Most race and rally engines are pushed for every last bhp, and thus they more common to fail, whilst normal car/van/lorry engines are limited back, well away from probability failures. Each individual engine and customer requirements are different as to how much performance tuning is needed in a remap, but a good remap from a quality tuner will never get close the limits of the engine. In fact, we guarantee it! Read more details at chiptuning diesel.

5 advices for moving house without any problems by Denver office moving companies

Several tips and tricks for moving house safely can cut down the cost of relocating. Here are a few tips from our favorite Denver moving company. I am not an advocate of off site storage, as it usually ends up costing money to store all the things we really don’t need – but when it comes to moving house there is good reason to use it under certain circumstances. Often we want to do work on our new house pretty soon after moving in. If this is the case with you, then why not consider moving some furniture etc.. into storage to make redecorating / re-carpeting etc.. easier? You could use a storage company**, or your removals company can often store your items for you on a rolling monthly basis, which can ease the strain of having to move everything around to accommodate trades people etc.

Creating an inventory helps you to keep an eye on all your belongings to make sure nothing is lost throughout the whole moving house process. Your removal company can create an inventory for you if they have been hired to pack your belongings so this is also worth considering. See extra info on Moving company prices Denver.

Place an extra cotton pad or ball into your powder cosmetics to keep them from breaking. Grab a box and fill it with all the essentials you’ll need on the first day. Include toilet paper, mugs, teabags, milk, scissors, bin bags and why not add a celebratory tipple? Remember to keep it with you on your journey to your new home, so it doesn’t get mixed with rest of your belongings and lost.

Moving house doesn’t have to be stressful. Here are some tips … If you’re moving locally this should be a no-brainer. Truck rentals used for local moves are billable at a per day and mileage rate, the daily price may vary by $10-$20 depending on the size. In other words, spend the extra few bucks and get the larger truck just to be sure. Moving trucks between 14′-17′ are the most common sizes rented. They tend to be the most inexpensive trucks because of the quantity available. Small rental trucks should be used primarily for local moves. Only consider renting a 10′-12′ truck if you have a studio or small one bedroom apartment with minimal furniture.

An important factor many people overlook is the distance of the move. If you are relocating to a new home in-town or just a short distance away, you may feel comfortable estimating your truck needs on the low end. After all, you can always make two trips if you run out of truck space. On the other hand, if you are making a long distance move, it is not practical to make multiple trips. Estimating on the higher end may be beneficial. If you get in a bind, you can always rent a trailer to tow behind your car for additional space.The steps that you take to prepare for moving day can make or break your overall moving experience. Apply these tips to estimate better the truck size that is suitable for your needs. For your upcoming move you have decided to rent a moving truck but have no clue what truck size you should get – Sound like you? If you search the web you will find many references and opinions, some extremely generic (14′ will move 1-2 bedrooms) and others offering a more advanced opinion (12 ft. truck = 450 cu. ft.). The problem, we believe at least, lies in the interpretation of information provided – 1-2 bedrooms may mean something completely different in Arizona than in New York City. See more details at Cheap moving company Boulder CO.

The following list is a guide that most rental agencies will use to determine the size of truck you’ll need. Just remember that this is a guide only: 26′ will move 4+ bedrooms, 24′ will move 3-4 bedrooms, 17′ will move 2-3 bedrooms, 14′ will move 1-2 bedrooms, 10′ will move a studio or small 1-bedroom apartment.

Most of the time we move out of the old house and into the new house on the same day. There is however, good argument for moving in on the following day instead, creating a 2 day move. If you can get the keys to your new house the day before your stuff arrives, you have a great chance to clean everything first, or put in new carpets/flooring etc.. It’s so much easier to clean and add new flooring into a space when the house is empty, and then when you put all your stuff into the house you can be sure you’re happy with the state of the house first (think kitchen cupboards, bathrooms, carpets etc.) It may well be worth paying for a 2 day removal service for this very reason.

Does everything fit your new home? Furniture that is in your existing home may well not fit into your new home, and it’s best to know this up front so you can sell it / donate it before you move. Take some time to measure doorways etc. and work out whether the larger items of furniture (your sofa/dresser etc.) will fit into your new space. There would be nothing worse than leaving a sofa on the front garden on moving day! TIP – This is also a useful exercise for working out whether you have suitable space for all your furniture. If you are downsizing it’s worth working out what can and cannot fit into your new home, and sorting these out before moving day

Valuables and paperwork are essentials for you and your home, and it’s often worth packing these up and moving them with you rather than letting the removals company move them, just so you have them to hand and they don’t get lost. Source:

Work from home projects

Become a virtual assistant, this is a very hot topic in 2019. With the internet linking anything lots of jobs can be completed from home. People are becoming very interested in working from home, to save transport time and earning extra income from home.

Virtual Office VA connects clients with virtual assistants for real estate related work. Your duties as a VA include calling homeowners to collect information about their property and mortgage. Free training is provided, so you can learn exactly what you need to do to succeed. Virtual Office VA hires workers based in the United States. If you meet the residency qualification, you must also have a computer with high-speed Internet. Positions aren’t always available, but you can find current openings here. If your application is accepted, you’ll need to complete basic training before you begin working. Virtual Office VA lists the starting pay as $9 per hour. The company pays workers on a weekly basis via PayPal. You can work part-time or full-time between 25 to 40 hours per week, so your income before taxes starts between $225 to $360 per week.

Firegang is a digital marketing company whose main client is dentists. It provides a variety of services, such as SEO, copywriting and, of course, virtual assistant services. Firegang hires part-time virtual assistants to work from home. What’s great about Th company is that it offers jobs to people outside of the US. You can be location independent, but you must be able to work during US time zone hours. As a virtual assistant at Firegang, you’ll handle a variety of tasks. See extra details at Earn extra cash working as a freelancer.

One of the better membership sites for freelancers to find legitimate online virtual assistant jobs is FlexJobs. Some of the clients who use FlexJobs for hiring are Forbes 100 and/or Fortune 500 companies. These are the online virtual assistant jobs that pay rather well, starting at $17 an hour but more often with an opening salary of $20 an hour and guaranteed raises. However, they do tend to have higher requirements: some ask for a Bachelor’s Degree, while others want 7+ years experience. Rather than paying commissions, you pay membership fees. FlexJobs offers a Monthly subscription at $14.95, Quarterly at $29.95, and Yearly at $49.95.

The job has come to be described as that of a “cyber secretary,” and for good reason. When compared to secretary jobs, many of the skills and responsibilities are the same. But what sets virtual assistants apart isn’t only the fact that you can work from home (or anywhere else, for that matter): it’s also that you can work for multiple companies at the same time if you so choose.

Financial Freedom is more than a digital tools site for freelancers. We aim to support talented and skillful people with online smart training resources, expert advice, and learning opportunities. Register and stay connected! Our approach is highly professional yet personalized. We believe in matching the skillset with the right digital tools that deliver rewarding results. We pride ourselves in being enablers, providing freelancers the financial Freedom, and better earning. Source:

Women clothing online shopping offering cool this year trends

Awesome fashion styles this year is a huge topic this summer. Let’s see what are the latest news in the fashion industry, what people wear in 2019. Paco Rabanne! Yes: Terms that were banned from the lips of the fashionable while streetwear and athleisure reigned are now being rehabilitated—couture, tailoring, and glamour being top among them. It’s not just a mechanical swing of the pendulum from one thing to the opposite, but a psychological response to events. Paco Rabanne’s Julien Dossena understands exactly why: “It’s about how you uplift yourself through dress. In the end, that’s all we expect from fashion. You know—that thrill when you wear something special? It gives you power; it gives you confidence.”

The last show of Paris Fashion Week, Louis Vuitton, left a huge impression on me. It wasn’t an easy collection where you quickly could see yourself wearing each piece, and that was the magic of it. There was a blend of so many aesthetics and influences, ranging from prairie to punk, all through an ‘80s lens. According to Vogue, the aim of the collection was to tap into the individuality of different style tribes pre–social media. In the age of Instagram style sameness (#stickofbutter dressing anyone?), Ghesquière’s approach is downright refreshing.

Statement Hats: Designers must be bored of beanies, because they presented all kinds of wacky toppers for fall. The standout style belongs to Maria Grazia Chiuri’s bucket hats at Christian Dior, sure to be a street style staple. Get ahead of the trend now with our current obsession, Burberry’s heritage plaid bucket hat. Women Fashion Store – Exclusive Style & Cheap Price? at MooseStyle! MOOSE STYLE Store is the virtual home for an unrivaled collection of the world’s most coveted brands of men’s and women’s designer apparel, shoes and accessories. We provide the highest quality online shopping experience and impeccable customer service.

We’ve waxed poetic about our obsession with tie dye, but the summer trend is leaning further into its West Coast roots. “We are loving a California cool vibe for the warmer months, including upbeat and casual trends such as Hawaiian shirts, bucket hats, racer back tank tops, and anything tie-dye,” said Elizabeth von der Goltz, the global buying director of Net-A-Porter. She enjoyed the psychedelic moments seen on Chloe, R13, and Prada’s runway, but don’t sleep on beachside stalls and Etsy shops for an affordable option. Polish off the look with denim cut-offs and old-school sneakers like Vans to really capture the SoCal aesthetic. Stephanie Schafer, the senior fashion director of Nordstrom’, is also dye-ing over the trend, but suggested a grown-up way to dip your toes in the look: “The beautiful print technique feels fresh in sophisticated silhouettes such as dresses and skirts.” In other words, you don’t have to go full-hippie to participate.

Simple string bikinis are good to have on hand for any last-minute beachy needs, but when jetting off on vacation or heading to a relaxing day at the pool with your friends, something a little more special is in order. This year, more than most year’s past, statement suits are taking over the swimwear market. We’re talking cap sleeves, ruffles, belts, and more. Source:

Limousine service in Vancouver

Advices on how to pick the best limousine for your target event? There are many aspects to make a good limo rental experience. Get the right ride: Often times, the right vehicle can make all the difference. A stretch Hummer for your next bachelor party or a classic antique Rolls Royce for riding off in style from the wedding. Ensure that the vehicle your getting has the space, features and look for your next event. Try to book a vehicle that has room for at least one to two more people than are in your party. Some companies provide music (radio or satellite radio), so ask in advance or be prepared to take your iPod or a mix CD with enough music to last the whole ride. Also ask about features like the seating arrangement and luggage capacity for large group vehicles.

Negotiate more than price :If you search a meta-site for finding limos in your area you’ll see something interesting. Most limo companies charge roughly the same hourly rate. The big differences? What kind of vehicle you desire and all the extras. Before you call a limo company, email first and see what they offer. In fact, email several. That’s what I did – it was much easier than calling a half-dozen places. While the prices came back all within a $50 range, the perks and options are what made the difference in my decision.

We want to rent a limousine to take us to a concert. Do we have to pay for the time while we are at the concert even though we are not using the limousine? In such cases where you are not occupying the limousine during your rental (such as bar-hopping, dinner reservations, concerts, sporting events, etc.) you still have to pay for the rental time, even though you aren’t physically inside the vehicle. Even though you are not using the vehicle while at a concert, the vehicle cannot be used elsewhere; even when there are 2 or 3 hours in between drop-off and pickup.In addition, if there are more than 6-7 hours between drop-off and pick-up and you remain local, some companies may offer a “split” – just a rental to-and-from your destination with no charge for waiting time in between, however this option offers inconveniences such as unavailability to leave things in the limo, leaving earlier than expected, or having the same chauffeur or car upon return. Ask your service provider if they offer a package to accommodate your needs.

The Bigger, the Better: It’s always convenient to book a little bigger vehicle than needed. Bigger vehicles are high-priced, no doubt, but larger the circle, lesser the cost per person. To collaborate with a bunch of friends for events to reduce the per head charges. Toronto wedding Limousines charge per hour, not per head.

Looking for Limo Vancouver BC ? We offer cheap Vancouver Limo Service rates on your wedding day or graduation night. This way, you can enjoy a luxury ride in style on an impotent day like this. Other benefits of our Airport Limo Service Vancouver BC are that all of your family and friends can travel together, taking and having fun in one vehicle facing each other. No need to worry about drinking and driving, taking the risk of losing your license. No worry about finding parking, running around, looking for a taxi or ridesharing vehicle. We are the best fit for all your luxury transportation needs to from sports events, nightclubs, concerts, family out for dinner or anything else. Please call us or check our rates online and use our apps you book you are next with easy few steps.