Looking for What’sApp groups on topics that you like discussing about ? There are many groups on What’sApp but discovering them is quite hard, especially since many of them are not very known. We will give a few tricks on who are the most popular WhatsApp groups by topics and also introduce you to a website that will make discovering groups much easier.
https://whatsappgroup.org/ is a website that makes finding games groups on WhatsApp very easy. Feeling lonely? Wanting to talk ? This website can help you connect to groups where you will be able to talk about your favorite topic. Let’s see who are the most popular What’sApp groups, on multiple topics.
With WhatsApp’s help you can increase you sales via personalized offers you send directly to your customers. What you do is you create a database of contacts. You should have access to their purchase history or know their wishes. Then segment them into different target groups and sent each group (or even each individual) a personalized offer. By adding a payment option (we’re going to talk about it soon) into your offers you can close more sales as you will make it extremely easy to purchase a product your customer is interested in. You can read more about WhatsApp marketing and personalized offers in our previous two articles here and here. We are running free Whatsapp group to share knowledge about Indian Stock Market for those who do not know basics, concepts about Stock Market. No tips/no call/ no monthly,yearly etc service. No Financial Advise. Purpose is to create awareness about finance. We are sharing knowledge , incidents, special occasions like buy back, bonus etc. Language of group is Marathi.
What’sApp groups are not only good for talking, it can also help your business. Of course, other messaging channels like SMS, MMS, RCS, LINE, Facebook Messenger—plus chat and voice—still have a central role in any businesses communication strategy, and are likely here to stay. However, in some Latin American, Asian, and African countries, it is the total app of choice, giving many companies a chance to engage a broader global audience. Employing WhatsApp Business as part of your messaging strategy can be a game changer—a necessary tool to help you remain competitive. We’ve compiled five reasons to consider using WhatsApp Business in your customer communications.
I thought that was a wonderful way of utilizing the WhatsApp Group Chat function to add value to people’s lives. However a word of caution: Group chats can be immensely annoying at times. And if you don’t take guard, they can drain you of your precious time and peace of mind. Below I thought of sharing some Dos and Don’ts of WhatsApp (or any other) group chats: The more generic the group is, the more the possibility of unwanted messages, while the more specific a group is, the more the possibility of quality communication that you can benefit from. For example: Joining a ‘working mother’s’ group is always better than joining the ‘Woman’s’ group. Also before joining a group ask yourself – how will it edify me or what value can I add to others’ lives through it. If you are part of a group that sends teasing comments, lewd jokes or unnecessary forwards, it is better to opt out rather than allow your ears and eyes to be a place where others can dump their trash. And no, nobody will feel bad about it. From time to time keep coming back to the motive behind creating the group and check whether you as a group admin or member are in line with it. See more details at Click here to join Whatsapp Groups.
Birthday necklace … looking for the perfect gift for her? Here are some tips to make a fabulous jewelry gift. Jewelry is the perfect gift. It’s customizable. Jewelry is extremely customizable. You can find or create custom pieces that represent a loved one’s personality, color preferences or style. To make your gift even more personal and one-of-a-kind, have it engraved with a special date, word or phrase.
Do you have an amazing Sister? Celebrate and share the love and inspiration between Sisters with meaningful simple jewelry gift for Sister made with solid sterling silver. Meaningful simple jewelry gift for Sister to show your love and appreciation for her love and friendship and for always being there for you. Simple, dainty and organic looking hammered solid sterling silver Circle charms : 50th Birthday Gift for Sister – Solid Sterling Silver Necklace.
Jewelry is appropriate for all body types and skin tones: Another reason why jewelry makes such a terrific gift is that it doesn’t discriminate. One cannot deny the fact that some items have certain body types or skin tones in mind, and are just wrong for anyone who doesn’t fit into the box. Jewelry is not like that. It really should be a no-brainer that jewelry is one of the most successful gift ideas of all times, but for those still deliberating, never forget that the options are endless. Never suffice with the thought that your intended recipient already “has” jewelry and get some inspiration to some of the trending jewelry fashion pieces. Diamond jewelry, sapphire jewelry, rubies, emeralds, pearls, gold, platinum, and silver galore; the sky is the limit!
What people say ? I purchased a necklace as a gift for my sister’s 30th. I was informed that the item would probably not arrive by her actual birthday (date); but by now my entire family expects my gifts at least a week late, so it was totally fine. Anyway, I ended up receiving the necklace a few days earlier than I expected & was able to give my sister everything on her birthday! She absolutely loved the necklace and the style is perfect for her. Thank you AzaleaPlum for this beautifully made piece of jewelry and for the quick shipping!! See more details on Graduation Gift Solid Sterling Silver Necklace.
Jewelry as a gift always makes people happy. Everyone likes to receive a piece of jewelry that was chosen carefully by a loved one. Even though jewelry has always been a perfect gift, it still continues to surprise and move people. To express your love, your friendship, your tenderness, your recognition or any other sentiment, there isn’t anything better than a piece of jewelry. It leaves a lasting impression.
AzaleaPlum is created with simplicity in mind, To celebrate the love between family and generations, To Celebrate her milestone birthdays or To send a hug and a smile just because. Whatever the occasion, AzaleaPlum products are made and packaged with care and ships worldwide from the United States. Celebrate and Share the Love and Inspiration between Family and Friends. Visit us on : https://www.etsy.com/shop/AzaleaPlum.
All auto hail repair processes : The bottom line: PDR is an excellent choice for repairing hail damage, but it may not be the right option for you. If your car has severe damage, you’ll most likely need to have a trusted body shop repair the vehicle with body filler. Be sure to shop around to get an estimate on the cost of repair. The ins and outs of insurance: Does insurance cover hail damage? It should if you have the right coverage. If you have comprehensive insurance, your insurer should cover the repairs if you’ve met your deductible. Hail and similar damage from natural causes is typically categorized as an “act of God.” Since the situation is out of your control, you’re not responsible for paying for the damage.
PDR technicians require a large arsenal of tools to successfully complete a job. “Pro” kits include various shape and length rods, wire tools, door hooks, window tools, black beauties, whale tails, flat bars and tweakers. Additionally, it is common to see technicians use light readers for accurate dent readings, LED lamps, and glue pulling kits. Every job requires multiple tools, and it is not the same for each individual case. However, the most common tool is the long metal rods used to gently push the metal back into place. These tools can be expensive, and the average car drivers are much better off paying for the service than buying their own set.
The PDR techniques are applied using three different procedures, depending on their suitability for each particular case: Using metal rods to exert the necessary pressure from the inside out to remove the dent. Utilising hot-melt adhesives that make it possible to work from the outside when the characteristics of the panel or its damage make the use of rods unadvisable or impossible. Applying controlled heat through magnetic induction, a technique developed to restore the original strength of the steel that has been weakened by hard impacts. Thus, the panel recovers its rigidity through controlled changes in the temperature of the affected spot.
Joe Dent LLC will repair your door dings, hail damage, creases, and minor dents without the use of paint or body fillers. We are a family owned, independent company providing local Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) and Nationwide hail damage repair. To preserve your car and when dent repair is performed correctly it will retain its original manufacturer paint warranty. It also helps maintain your cars original appearance and saves you money as you get better results for a fraction of the cost. Not only that, we save our customers time while also protecting the environment. We can repair your auto hail damage very quickly where as an auto body shop would take up to three weeks, possibly more. We do not use hazardous chemicals, so no toxins are released into the air. Read more info on Paintless dent repair Colorado Springs.
Best dent repair kits ? Boost your car value. Dents are an eyesore that depreciates the vehicle’s value. You can solve this problem when you opt for the best car dent remover. If your lease is ending soon, getting the car into tip-top shape becomes even more of a priority. Environmentally friendly. Whenever you take your car to the shop for body work, technicians are likely to use power tools to sand the damaged area, add paint primer, and so forth. With the best paintless dent repair kit, you don’t have to deal with the chemicals and toxic mess created through this process. It’s cleaner and safer to get the job done without plugging anything into an AC outlet. From the ease-of-use standpoint, the suction dent puller is the undisputed winner. The suction cup works with metal and plastic auto bodies. The cups are made of rubber and plastic. Depending on the size of the cup, it can lift upwards of 130 pounds. If you want one of the best suction dent pullers, consider whether the kit includes multiple suction cups. The repaired dent may have inconsistencies in the clear coat from the PDR process, as well as from when the dent occurred. In order to return the paint to its factory luster, the PDR Tech will use wet-sanding combined with a high-speed polisher. Using this tactic until the clear coat is perfectly smooth is the “finishing” touch of a great PDR repair.
A few cleaning tricks and a high quality recommendation if you are looking for cleaning services in Paris. If you need a quality pet stain or odor removal service that you can count on, then you have come to the right place! Our customers continue to choose us as their carpet cleaning provider because they know that we work diligently to get the job done. Our crew has the knowledge and experience to tackle both pet stain and odor problem issues. Our cleaning solutions are non-toxic to you, your pets and your family. Beware: Pet urine can in fact cause permanent staining on your carpet and upholstery! The urine is initially in a slightly acidic state — it is much easier to clean when fresh and can typically be treated with a “stage 1” topical treatment. Once it dries, it turns alkaline and becomes much more difficult to remove. If left for days, weeks or several months the urine can permanently change the dye structure, causing dye loss or a bleaching effect, which results in permanent staining. Even if the soluble deposits are removed, the damage to the dye structure may already be done.
If you prefer to buy a steam-cleaning machine, plan to spend $60 to $300 or more. The pricier models have more powerful water jets and suction, and some even have a heating element to keep the water hot. The reviews on these machines are mixed, and some are prone to breakdowns. Do some online research (type “carpet cleaning machines” into your browser) before you buy.
For our french visitors:
Quatre-vingt pour cent des taches peuvent etre eliminees avec de l’eau du robinet. Pour enlever une tache, appliquez un chiffon blanc propre et sec sur la tache pour absorber le deversement. Repetez jusqu’a ce que le deversement soit absorbe. Ensuite, faites penetrer doucement l’eau dans la tache avec une serviette blanche humide et epongez jusqu’a ce que la tache disparaisse. Changer de linge si necessaire. Pour trouver un endroit particulierement tetu, consultez la ressource en ligne «Spot Solver» de The Carpet and Rug Institute (l’organisation commerciale des fabricants de tapis) pour trouver votre tache et une solution suggeree. Utilisez un ventilateur pour secher la zone si elle est tres humide.
Quelques conseils de nettoyage: Nettoyez rapidement votre brosse a cheveux avec du liquide vaisselle et de l’eau: nous ne pensons pas vraiment au nettoyage de nos brosses a cheveux (autres que l’epilation), mais il est logique qu’elles devenez sale avec la graisse et l’accumulation de produit, tout comme le font nos cheveux. Eliminez les residus de fixatif, de shampooing sec ou de tout autre produit capillaire en melangeant le liquide vaisselle et l’eau tiede et faites-les tremper. Creez un produit de nettoyage au vinaigre naturellement parfume pour aider a la maison: Melangez une partie de vinaigre blanc avec un seul separez l’eau pour faire un spray domestique de base (ideal pour les personnes souffrant d’allergies, car il est si doux). Vous ne supportez pas l’odeur de poisson et de frites? Ajoutez des herbes fraiches au melange – la sauge degage une odeur particulierement propre, mais vous pouvez vraiment essayer tout ce qui pousse dans votre jardin.
Si vous avez besoin d’un service de qualite sur l’elimination des taches et des odeurs sur les animaux domestiques, alors vous etes au bon endroit! Nos clients continuent de nous choisir comme fournisseur de nettoyage de tapis, car ils savent que nous travaillons avec diligence pour que le travail soit fait. Notre equipe possede les connaissances et l’experience necessaires pour resoudre les problemes de taches et d’odeurs d’animaux de compagnie. Nos solutions de nettoyage ne sont pas toxiques pour vous, vos animaux de compagnie et votre famille. Attention: l’urine des animaux de compagnie peut en fait causer des taches permanentes sur votre tapis et vos meubles rembourres! L’urine est initialement dans un etat legerement acide – il est beaucoup plus facile de nettoyer lorsqu’elle est fraiche et peut generalement etre traitee avec un traitement topique de «stade 1». Une fois seche, il devient alcalin et devient beaucoup plus difficile a enlever. Si elle est laissee pendant des jours, des semaines ou plusieurs mois, l’urine peut modifier de facon permanente la structure du colorant, entrainant une perte de colorant ou un effet de blanchiment, entrainant une coloration permanente. Meme si les depots solubles sont elimines, la structure du colorant peut deja etre endommagee.
Learn about Visual.School , the next generation online learning solution. The world is moving, time is advancing and all things in the world change. Even when, apparently, there is no need for innovation you are pleasantly impressed with a new approach to an established product or service. The internet is full of tutorials and online courses and you may think that there is no room for new ideas, thinking out of the box, to develop even further the online learning methods.
Visual.School is a new online learning provider aiming to hugely improve the user experience. Today’s online tutorials are good but they can be improved and i will go through some of the key points of VisualSchool’s learning methods.
I’ve spent the last 12 years perfecting my skills as a designer and coder. I’ve jumped through all the levels, from complete noob to team lead in the banking sector. While I thought myself programming, I saw countless flaws in current learning solutions. All these flaws I turned them one by one into a comprehensive learning environment.
Today’s online learning material is structured in a linear fashion, you go though static lessons, reading/learning them 1 by 1. VisualSchool approach is different , allowing the student to set his own goals and offering paths to this goals. There is no point to learn 10 things in succession if you really need 1 to accomplish your professional goal target.
I’m sure everyone trying to learn something online has encountered this situation : you read and read more and after a few pages there are a lot of terms/words that are unfamiliar, that require you to go search in other courses to know what are those about. VisualSchool will provide nano-lessons, small short minilessons, embedded in the reading, that will allow you to quickly learn the basics of anything that you don’t know. Mark and the short explanation is 1 click away.
“I would say it’s a needed platform for most of the students/developers to hone their skills. Hope you will create a new learning platform which changes the way people learn coding.” – Abhishek Upadhyay
Another problem of the current format of e-guides is that they don’t place weights for each component of a course. Let’s say you need to learn A,B,C and D targets. But A,B and C only will give you small benefits towards your overall goal while D while give you a huge progress. Instead of going through a course of 10 pages for each A,B,C,D goals VisualSchool will focus to deliver your knowledge for the most important part (D) while offering a minimal effort path for the less important targets. See more details at Learn coding, design, marketing and more.
Visual learning (or speed learning according to VisualSchool) is a faster way to learn. Instead of reading 100 words (like most of the online courses) the focus is on using less words but more schematics , examples, videos, slideshows and images. The goal is to learn more in less time.
The main concepts are :
1. Study according to your own experience. This saves time but also it’s making sure you don’t skip vital knowledge required to achieve your learning targets.
2. Fast focused learning. Less words, more examples, on point, combined with the next main concept, filling the knowledge gaps on the spot.
3. Get missing concepts on the spot. This one is the most important, no need to go search, find, browse through an entire e-book to learn a concept that you don’t know. Nano-lessons are a 1 click short lessons, on the spot, without losing focus and time, to learn the missing bits required to advance further.
Source: https://visual.school/ and also you can check Visual School Kickstarted project here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/adrian-moisa/visual-school-interactive-learning-map-optimized-for-you.
Most of the time we move out of the old house and into the new house on the same day. There is however, good argument for moving in on the following day instead, creating a 2 day move. If you can get the keys to your new house the day before your stuff arrives, you have a great chance to clean everything first, or put in new carpets/flooring etc.. It’s so much easier to clean and add new flooring into a space when the house is empty, and then when you put all your stuff into the house you can be sure you’re happy with the state of the house first (think kitchen cupboards, bathrooms, carpets etc.) It may well be worth paying for a 2 day removal service for this very reason. I am not an advocate of off site storage, as it usually ends up costing money to store all the things we really don’t need – but when it comes to moving house there is good reason to use it under certain circumstances. Often we want to do work on our new house pretty soon after moving in. If this is the case with you, then why not consider moving some furniture etc.. into storage to make redecorating / re-carpeting etc.. easier? You could use a storage company**, or your removals company can often store your items for you on a rolling monthly basis, which can ease the strain of having to move everything around to accommodate trades people etc.
It’s an obvious thing to say maybe, but if you wear comfortable and practical clothes on moving day it can make all the difference. You need to be able to move around easily, you will be on your feet all day, and you should also think about the weather as well (wear layers as you will get hotter throughout the day doing so much physical stuff, and will no doubt want to take layers off). The last thing you want to be doing is trying to find some different clothes halfway through the move. Getting your kids involved as much as possible. For the younger ones make a game out of it; like who can pack their toys the fastest. Labeling the boxes can be fun too. Take them to a dollar store, craft store or teacher supply store and let them pick out fun stickers that they can put on the boxes to represent it is theirs. They can also pick out other stickers to help mark the boxes for the rest of the house.
Before you rent a truck, you should assess how much stuff you have and try to sort and get rid of things you don’t need or haven’t used in a very long time. It will not only save you time and money when packing and unpacking but also ensures you start off in your new home without too much clutter. While using a truck rental company’s estimate when selecting the right size of truck or trailer to rent may be helpful, keep in mind that this is merely an estimate. Some people have much more substantial furnishings, more things, and tons of stuff crammed into every closet and cabinet. Other packrats even have entire garages jam-packed with items from floor to ceiling. A smart way to better estimate a suitable truck size is to attempt to cluster your things together, such as in an unused formal dining room, a garage or another large space. This effort also helps you prep for the move. When you pack a place full of items and measure the area, you will have a better idea about the right truck size for your needs.
For our guests that speak german :
Alle Mitarbeiter verfugen uber eine langjahrige Erfahrung, wodurch Ihnen ein hervorragender Service garantiert ist. Wenn auch Sie sich fur ein Reinigungsunternehmen entscheiden, dann konnen Sie nicht nur von einer sauberen Wohnung profitieren, sondern konnen Sie sich dadurch auch einiges an Zeit ersparen. Bei uns finden Sie zahlreiche gratis Offerten, bei welchen Sie sich unverbindlich ein Angebot uber unterschiedliche Reinigungsfirmen in der Schweiz einholen konnen. Sie mussen sich auch absolut keine Gedanken uber die verschiedensten Putzgerate und Reinigungsmittel machen, denn all dies ubernimmt ebenfalls das Reinigungsunternehmen. Lesen Sie mehr auf Umzug und Reinigungsfirma.
Nachdem Sie alle Angebote in Ruhe gesichtet und sich fur eine passende Offerte entschieden haben, folgen Sie bitte einfach den Anweisungen in unserer Umzugsborse. Schon nach wenigen „Klicks“ haben Sie den Vertrag mit der Umzugsfirma Ihrer Wahl abgeschlossen und der Umzug kann starten.
Tree removal tricks and we also offer a suggestion on how to search the best tree trimming companies, to avoid home disasters and huge costs. Always know that it is best to trim or prune a tree during its dormant season. You can prune a pine tree at any time, but it is still better to do so when it is dormant. Always look for the branch collar before making a cut. It grows from the stem tissue at the bottom base of the branch. Also look for the branch ridge. It is on the upper surface and is parallel to the branch angle at the stem. Always try to angle your cut down and away from the stem and always cut outside the brank bark ridge.
The sabal palm is the official state tree of Florida. These trees, universal all through the whole state, can grow up to 65 feet tall. The tree produces yellowish-white blooms and can withstand temperatures as low as 7 degrees Fahrenheit. With their 65-foot stature, the tallest trees found in Tampa are sabal palm trees. The most limited trees are citrus trees, which are basically vast bushes. They will in general associate with 10 feet tall, now and then shorter. It’s best to consult with a local tree service company in Tampa if you have any of these popular trees or any other type of tree species as well. Discover additional info on Tampa tree removal.
An all-purpose handyman driving around a neighborhood in a pickup truck with a chainsaw and hollering out sales pitches may not be suitable for work demanding such a high level of responsibility. For dangerous work such as this, tree services’ demonstrated possession of adequate insurance may well be the consumer’s primary consideration. Request to see certificates of liability and workman’s compensation insurance, and check that they are current. Phone the insurance company to verify current policy information.
A worthwhile monetary atmosphere is helping the City of Fort Lauderdale build up itself as a world-class worldwide business focus and a standout amongst the most alluring areas for new, extending or migrating organizations. When referred to carefully as a travel industry based economy, Fort Lauderdale now bolsters an assorted scope of ventures, including marine, fabricating, account, protection, land, high innovation, flight/aviation, film and TV creation. Fort Lauderdale additionally offers an extraordinary personal satisfaction, featured by a semi-tropical atmosphere, rich normal excellence and cluster of social, amusement and instructive comforts. Favored with more than 3,000 hours of daylight every year and wonderful all year sea breezes, world-well known Fort Lauderdale Beach offers head open doors for diversion, unwinding and satisfaction. There are many cities near Fort Lauderdale that tree service companies will service. Find more info at Fort Lauderdale tree trimming.
In this point topping means cutting off the great number of branches and leaving the stubs. This is an exceptional type of pruning that severely damages trees, making them weak to protect their self and fight with insects and disease. Trees shouldn’t be topped, and tree care companies that advise topping should be avoided. To control the height or spread of a tree near to your property, buildings or utility lines, get the help of a Consulting Arborist (American Society of Consulting Arborists) or ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) Certified Arborist in short simply contact The Real Pink Tree Service. Mark off your work area around the tree to protect passersby and co-workers. If you are working on a tree that extends near or over a road, wear high visibility clothing. Take into consideration the speed limit of that road and its shoulder width to determine what cones and signs are needed. It’s always a good idea to work with another person who stays on the ground while you’re climbing. In the event of an emergency, both you and your partner should have training in CPR and first aid. But i think you are better hiring a professional tree service service.
Detroit, city, seat of Wayne district, southeastern Michigan, U.S. It is situated on the Detroit River (associating Lakes Erie and St. Clair) inverse Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Detroit tree service companies are prominent throughout the area, Arborists Near Me is a filter for residents to find and hire the best local Arborists in Detroit. It was established in 1701 by a French merchant, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, who manufactured a fortress on the waterway and named it Fort Pontchartrain du Détroit out of appreciation for his supporter (the French word détroit signifying “strait”); later the British called it just Detroit. In the twentieth century the city’s name wound up synonymous with the American car industry. Read more details at Detroit tree removal.
The smell of coffee in the morning, is there something even remotely better ? There are many of tea types, some are bad, some are good but some manually selected tea leaves and coffee beans are just amazing. We support community projects and NGO’s that are committed to quality improvement and consequently price improvements for the coffee farmers – organisations such as TechnoServe for example have worked across East Africa to assist with coffee infrastructure and producer knowledge. If the quality is high enough we will buy Fair Trade coffees. This organisation contributes a social premium to a smallholder cooperative which can be used towards projects which are beneficial to the whole community such as primary schools or medical dispensaries.
Our coffee pick today: Indonesia – Robusta & Arabica: Indonesia, which we frequently hear associated with interesting coffee types, produces 660,000,000 kg of coffee per year. Although quality and taste pale in comparison to Brazil and Colombia, it has an important place in global coffee production. See more details at Craft coffee ethically sourced UK.
Eco friendly coffee tip of the day : Get A Reusable Filter: While there are several, the most compelling reason to avoid paper filters is that a large portion of them are chlorine-bleached and end up in landfills. These filters then seep trace amounts of dioxins, chemicals toxic to human health, into watersheds, which distributes the dioxins to growing plants. Eco-friendly Aeropress reusable stainless steel filter: At the very least, look for TCF (total chlorine-free) or PCF (processed chlorine-free) labels on filters. However, reusable filters eliminate paper waste entirely, chlorine-free or not. Here are a few examples of these eco-friendly brewers: French Press, Stainless Steel Pour Over Cone, Aeropress + Steel Filters. Coffee brewed with metal filters has a rich flavor and full mouthfeel. If not for the eco-friendly factors, try them for the flavor!
We as a family have not only been lovers of good tea and coffee for generations, but have also worked in the trade. The founder of this company has himself worked in various capacities selling Italian coffee and Chinese tea, among many other blends and origins over the years, learning in depth about and sampling a huge variety of brews. Source: https://lynchsbrew.co.uk/.
You may have noticed that our mascot is a lemur, this is simply due to a love the Lynch family has always shared for the animal! A percentage of every single sale we make gets donated to Lemur Love, a NPO which focuses on lemur conservation. Help us conserve today and enjoy our delicious tea and coffee at the same time!
Virtual reality game play is the utilization of a three-dimensional (3-D) created play ground to computer games. Virtual reality environments are created with VR software and presented to the player in such a way that they overlap the real-world environment, creating a feeling of illusion and helping the user experience the VR environment as real. You can play VR games at home but, usually, the hardware that are available for regular individual clients is not very good. Good VR equipment is expensive , that’s why there are locations that offers VR play on extremely good equipment. Think about it like the today’s internet caffee’s of the past.
Virtual reality (VR) is no longer a niche. VR applications are evolving fast, and they are penetrating in many industry sectors. From healthcare to the automotive industry, VR is changing the way things are done, and expectations for the future remain high. This is particularly true for video games. So how high are these expectations? IDC predicts that the virtual and augmented reality market will dramatically expand from just over $9 billion last year to $215 billion by 2021. That incredible 118% compound annual growth rate would make VR one of the fastest-growing industries on the planet.
Now let’s talk about games with VR support. Minecraft exists on nearly every platform you can name and the game is no less prevalent in the VR space. For the uninitiated, Minecraft is an exploration, creation, and survival game all rolled into one with a distinct, low-poly aesthetic. The game adds a series of control enhancements for the VR platform, including 3D audio, a virtual living room mode (for a break from the first-person perspective), VR Turning (snaps head swiveling motions to increments to prevent disorientation), and VR Controls (makes in-games tasks easier to manage). Minecraft VR also supports multiplayer game modes, so you can enjoy the experience with your friends. If you want to play VR games with your friends in Toronto you may want to check LevelupReality. See extra info at VR Arcade.
In Star Trek: Bridge Crew, you can fulfill your dream of joining Starfleet, with a choice of four different key roles onboard the USS Aegis: Captain, Tactical, Helm or Engineer. This game will require constant communication with your crewmates as you explore space, defend yourself from enemies and avoid natural hazards. Bridge Crew is designed as a seated experience, so players won’t be moving around or exploring the bridge itself. Instead, you’ll handle one of the four workstations and use your motion controllers to interact with the ship’s controls. The game works best in online multiplayer, but you can also issue specific voice commands to three AI crewmembers in single-player mode if you’re playing offline.
Like the original Superhot, Superhot VR is a combat puzzle game in which you must clear a room full of enemy AI humans using a limited arsenal and one key mechanic: Time moves only when you do. Large deliberate movements of your arms or legs will trigger time to progress forward, but making smaller movements with only your head or hands will allow you to assess the next move and even give you enough time to move out of the way of enemy bullets. The VR version of the game is primarily a standing experience; you won’t be walking around your environment, but you’ll need to be able to turn around and duck behind cover in the space you have. You can take weapons directly out of enemies’ hands, and you can fire bullets at incoming bullets to deflect them; in general, Superhot VR is a very over-the-top experience.
LEVELUP REALITY is downtown Toronto’s virtual reality (VR) arcade and event venue. We take you beyond the limits of reality into a rich immersive experience, where you can connect with others while engaging all of your senses. Visit: https://levelupreality.ca/
NCTRC pre-approved online courses for recreational therapists or making sure the professionals stay professional. The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a nation wide recognized unit of measure for non-credit continuing education programs. It is used to document learning that differs from the traditional academic learning experience and has become vital as a means of determining the value of a learning experience in continuing education and training.
According to the American Therapeutic Recreation Association, recreation therapy or therapeutic recreation is a systematic process that utilizes recreation, leisure, and other activities as interventions. This is done to address the assessed needs of individuals with illnesses and/or disabling conditions, as a means to health, recovery, and well-being. The recreational therapist’s goal is to restore, remediate and enhance a person’s functioning while fostering independence in life activities. Having fun while simultaneously reaching better health outcomes? Yes, please! If you are interested in learning more, keep reading 5 Ways Recreational Therapist Can Improve Your Life.
Standards for CEUs: The IACET, or International Association of Continuing Education and Training, has established the criteria for CEUs to make standard procedures for issuing these credits. Any business, organization or academic institution must be willing to meet these standards in order to give out verified CEUs. Most CEUs are not eligible for college credit, but are instead only used to measure non-credit courses that apply to a particular industry or profession.
Messina says that as more value is placed on staying healthy outside the hospital, respect for the field has grown. “The role that recreation can play in that recovery continuum and the overall health care continuum is beginning to be recognized a little more,” she says. While recovery or improvement may be the direct goal, the focus is also on self-confidence, self-care and quality of life. “I am drawn to anything that makes a person a better person,” Schwab says. “If you end up in a wheelchair or with a walker, you’re still able to do the things that make you, you.” See more details at Recreational Therapy Approved CEUs.
Network and Expand: Professionals who pursue continuing education credits set themselves up for great opportunities to network with others in their field and make lasting connections that could translate into potential business relationships down the road. Continuing education events and conferences related to their programs also provide great settings for employers and employees to network and collaborate with like minded individuals.
The Unlimited CEUs Membership at SMART CEUs Hub is the first of it’s kind in Recreational Therapy. It allows the busy, budget conscious Rec Therapist to get their required CE in a convenient, affordable way. Just one price paid annually grants you the ability to take all of the continuing education you want or need. As a member you have complete access to our ENTIRE courses library including any new courses that are added during your active membership. Source: https://smartceushub.com/.