Hot tub repair pro company in Colorado on

Hot tub repair pro company in Colorado on

Several tricks on how to maintain your hot tub: You might know them best from chemistry class, but enzymes aren’t just handy for processing food or making wine. These twisty little proteins get around to the strangest places-including your hot tub. Special enzyme products for your spa work the same way most other enzymes do: they break down organic compounds. In your hot tub, they break down fatty lipids from body oils, cosmetics, lotions, and other sources that might be lurking in your water. Dosed with enzymes, your hot tub and filter system will be cleaner, and your sanitizer will work more efficiently. Enzymes also keep your spa free of the “scum line” that can sometimes form at the water’s edge.

Advices for purchasing a hot tub : Reclined seating lets you lay back, fully submerged in spa water. Loungers usually have more jets for a full-body massage. The best spas are deep enough to prevent you from floating out of the lounger. A lounge takes the equivalent space of up two standard seats. Tubs for families or friends the need more seats could skip the lounger for an extra spot.

Here are several advices about how to maintain your hot tub and also a suggestion if you live in Colorado. Always shower first with soap and water to reduce the likelihood of contaminating the spa water and minimizing health risks. Lotions, oils, and other things contribute to build-up in your spa. In cold climates, it’s not advisable to drain it — so save yourself the extra cost of a possible repair bill by rinsing off before and after. Besides: isn’t it nice to get into a really clean tub? Limit your soak time to no more than 15 to 20 minutes at a time. Cool off, then re-enter if you like.

Replace your insulated doors with screened louvered doors, which permit the shell and water to cool more quickly and also vents the heat from the running motors. (We do not advise leaving the doors open or off. The inside of a spa is not a safe place for children or pets, and you don’t want insects and rodents to get in).

Tap water is pretty good spa water in most areas. But in some areas (and you know where you are), you can run into issues of soft or hard water, high alkalinity, pH imbalance, or high levels of chloramines, metals and minerals. You can test your tap water with your test kit, or when testing after a drain and refill, you can measure the suitability of your tap water as spa water. Using a spa pre-filter removes metals, odors and the finest silt from your spa fill water.

The only weekly hot tub maintenance chore is “shocking” the water with sanitizer. Whether you use chlorine or bromine, hitting your tub with an extra strong dose of the sanitizer once a week is an easy way to keep your water clear and crystal clean. Besides shocking your tub, other weekly maintenance rituals are specific to your water type and how often you use your spa. Foaming can be a problem if you use your spa regularly, and can be easily solved by pouring a small amount of foam reducer into the water once a week. And if you live in an area with high calcium or mineral content, you might want to hit your water with a de-scaling agent once a week as well. It will prevent mineral buildup in your pumps, hoses, and on the walls of the hot tub itself. This spa care tip is so often forgotten. However, if the skimmer starts to suck air, it could possibly damage the pump. The water level should be in the middle of the skimmer intake or a little higher. You don’t want it too high, and you never want to overflow the spa, so keep a close eye on the water level while filling.

But first let’s view the hot tub choice of the month : Bullfrog Spas’ unique JetPak Therapy System lets you customize your massage with 18 options that each target a different type of massage therapy. Though most hot tubs offer some degree of customization when it comes to color options and even upgradable features, Bullfrog Spas lets you pick exactly what kind of jets and massage therapy to put in each seat. The interchangeable JetPaks, available for most models of Bullfrog Spas, give you sixteen seat back options for each seat in your spa that require less tubing and are more energy efficient than many spas on the market. Though Bullfrog does sell hot tub models without the JetPak system, the interchangeable jets and customization options are really the big selling point of this brand. Aside from the pre-set models, Bullfrog also allows you to design your own completely custom spa, as well. Discover extra info at Hot Tub Repair Colorado Springs.

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