Author Archive Marie Poppins

Meilleur conseil numérique avec Julien Foussard

Entrepreneuriat start-up premium par Julien Foussard? En plus d’avoir fait ses preuves dans le milieu de la création d’entreprise, Julien Foussard aspire à aider ceux et celles qui souhaiteraient, comme lui, développer leur startup. Fort de son statut actuel de consultant digital, il se consacre également aux nouveaux arrivants sur le marché de l’entrepreneuriat. En effet, Julien Foussard possède un blog sur lequel il donne différents conseils aux personnes qui entreprennent également : structuration des équipes, innovation, gestion de son emploi du temps ou encore levée de fonds, ces sujets n’ont plus de secrets pour l’entrepreneur.

Julien Foussard vous aide à combattre le syndrome de l’imposteur: Julien Foussard souligne que ce sentiment d’incapacité vient la plupart du temps de votre petite voix intérieure. La plupart des personnes souffrant de ce syndrome reconnaissent se parler à elle-même en étant très difficiles « tu n’es pas capable de faire ceci », « tu devrais changer de voie » etc… Afin de faire taire votre voix intérieure et d’accroître votre confiance en vous, Julien Foussard vous recommande de vous parler à haute voix ou d’écrire vos pensées négatives : en vous entendant ou en les voyant écrites vous serez probablement plus à même de réaliser que ces idées sont fausses et de vous en débarrasser. Par ailleurs, si cette technique n’est pas suffisamment efficace, n’hésitez pas à exprimer vos craintes et vos doutes auprès de proches ou de collaborateurs : ils sauront vous rassurer sur votre véritable valeur et votre potentiel.

Les technologies introduites présentent trois caractéristiques fondamentales pour Julien Foussard : elles revendiquent auprès des utilisateurs une simplicité d’utilisation, elles permettent d’accéder à un flux d’information considérable, elles redéfinissent les notions d’échanges et d’interactivité. L’appropriation de ces nouvelles technologies par les salariés entraîne des changements d’organisation et de structuration profonds. Les salariés bénéficient d’une plus large autonomie et liberté dans leur façon de travailler : plus connectés ils échangent plus facilement et peuvent désormais être plus mobiles. Voir supplémentaire détails à Julien Foussard.

En utilisant de nouveaux outils, les salariés voient leurs compétences ainsi que leurs attentes évoluer. Les outils numériques permettent aux salariés d’organiser différemment leur travail : ils gagnent en autonomie ainsi qu’en liberté, à la fois dans l’organisation de leur agenda ainsi qu’au niveau de leur présence physique. Cette nouvelle façon de travailler n’est pas sans conséquence sur le travail des collaborateurs puisqu’il apparaît que l’autonomie et la flexibilité des salariés seraient une source de motivation au quotidien.

Ce test permettra également de vous apprendre à gérer les premières contraintes de l’entrepreneuriat. Julien Foussard rappelle en effet que le statut d’entrepreneur n’est pas fait pour tout le monde : il nécessite une grande organisation, une rigueur ainsi qu’un effort de concentration sur l’aspect administratif. Sans service RH pour vous épauler, vous devrez gérer vous-même vos factures ainsi que le paiement de vos charges, la souscription à une mutuelle etc. Pour identifier les premières missions qui pourraient vous correspondre, Julien Foussard vous recommande de passer par les plateformes de mise en relation en ligne.

Hotel bedding linens factory with

High quality hotel linen wholesale provider? Whether you are hosting a weekend dinner with close friends and family, or want to create an eye-catching focal point on your table, a napkin ring is always a good starting point. ELIYA provides thousands of different designs of napkin rings as a supporting service forF&B Linen, including the series of elegant, gorgeous and quirky styles with wood, metal, leather and brass are available, suitable for restaurants, events or any family. The golden one can make your dining table look more luxurious. The silver one can make your dining table look simple and classic. The wood-colored one can make your dining table look more natural and environmentally friendly. The glittering diamond napkin ring can make your dining table look like royal noble. Add the perfect finishing touch to a well-dressed dining table with our designer collection of luxury napkin holders and napkin rings. Read extra details on hospitality linen suppliers.

Supima cotton is extra-long-staple cotton exclusively made in the USA. It’s popular in hotels since it’s smooth, long-lasting, and holds color very well compared to other fabrics. Since Supima has extra-long staples, the material is very lightweight and fine, yet still incredibly durable. Cotton sateen is a specific thread pattern of cotton, with a one-up, four-over weave. Hotels don’t use silk or satin since they’re very delicate, expensive, and can trigger allergies, but the sateen weave is a good alternative since it’s silky smooth, has a shiny sheen, and is hypoallergenic. Also, sateen sheets are easy to care for, being machine-washable and wrinkle-resistant.

Eliya is one of the best bathrobe suppliers and a hotel luxury bathrobes supplier offers wholesale bathropes or spa robes sizes ranging from small to oversized, you will surely find the perfect luxurious nightgown for your hotel.Carefully pieced and sewn, ELIYA luxury hotel bathrobes are highly absorbent, indulgently soft, thick and terribly tempting. Lovely features like wide cuffs, deep pockets, and plush shawl collars provide a cosy and substantial feel, while tasteful details like contrasting piping and integrated hooks add understated elegance. Luxury hotel robes or spa robes are crafted in the ELIYA tradition, using high-quality combed cotton raw materials and carefully tailored. Whether you prefer a fluffy cotton terry cloth robe for the ultimate in hotel enjoyment, kimono-style waffle bathrobe that’s suitable for warmer weather or let the client enjoy to stay in your hotel, ELIYA offers a perfect selection of luxurious wholesale bathrobes to choose. Many of our soft luxury hotel robes feature an elegant shawl collars to provide extra warmth, and all include a matching belt. Each of our hotel bathrobes is available in classic pure white, an ideal fit in any hotel bathroom, with several options in other tasteful colors, such as beige and grey.

When you are tired outside, try to lie in the hotel bed and relax. New design for guest room linen with the curtain brings you more a excellent experience, which makes you relax, feel a sense of relief. Your can lie in the bed freely and feel the comfort Eliya guest room bedding bring for you. All are cotton making, very soft, warm and comfortable, skin-friendly. You will love that feeling and have a good dream on best bedding for guest room. Everybody has a dream, which is very easy. But how to keep a dream and finally make it come true, that’s the question. To everyone who is chasing after his dream, try to follow your heard, and keeping trying and trying, you will get something different and imaginative. We own our guest room bedding store, and try to do it better and to be innovative, we didn’t forget what we should keep, and never forget to keep up with the time. That’s why we can go smooth in our business and can be more popular in the market and even more reliable by our clients from all over the world.

While feather mattress toppers aren’t very supportive, all-foam mattress toppers are, but they’re plush and provide a “cloud-like” feel similar to a hotel mattress. Hotels always have lots of pillows on their beds—there are usually four standard rectangle pillows and then several decorative pillows. Not only do the extra pillows look nice, but they give sleepers the option to use a second pillow under their legs or between their knees for added comfort. Hotels commonly use feather and down pillows since they’re lightweight and durable. Other high-quality pillow fills include memory foam and latex.

Sure most of the hotel bedding supplies is plain white color. So how to make your hotel be special and impress the guests? Try to add some hotel bedroom accessories on bedding with a range of colourful hotel bed runners and cushions or some other hotel guest room accessories! With 30 years on interior design and hotel managerment, ELIYA designers forwarded more than 200 hotel room decoration proposals for different hotels by choosing the from 6000 types of fabric material. Besides good looking design, designers also choose the highest quality fabric no matter in 100% polyester/polycotton/cotton, all the fabric are chosen with tens of years and thousands of experiments. With a range of shapes, sizes, designs and colours in different accessories, there’s a wide range available to equip and decorate your hotel. So, no matter what hotel guest room decoration style your want, check out the hotel room accessories list, you’re sure to find some suitable accessories in hotel room from ELIYA hotel room accessories suppliers.

Any hotel knows that a hotel duvet is the top priority items, and ensuring a good night’s sleep under the hotel bedding duvet of a quality hotel is an important part of it. From a light weight hollow fiber filling design that is perfect for use in summer, to a thick winter heater with natural filling such as goose feathers-Eliya hotel duvet supplier can offer you all. Whether you are looking for down alternative or natural filling, each duvet is produced provide super comfort. The hotel quality duvet is covered with a pure cotton shell and a stitched design to prevent displacement and provide perfect bulkiness. Tuck this hotel collection duvet into one of our elegant and iconic duvet covers to relax your hotel client instantly. We are able to provide all these options at reasonable prices, allowing you to fill your hospitality area with high-quality duvets without spending a lot of money.

The main market is worldwide which is included North America, Europe, Asia, Central America, Middle East, Africa etc. During the past 15 years, we have cooperated with more than 5000 hotels in 130 countries included many chain hotels, such as Hilton, Best Western, Millennium, Golden Tulip, Four Seasons, Sofitel, Marriott, Ritz-Carlton, Wyndham, Crown Plaza and Holiday Inn, etc. Years of experience in hospitality field, ELIYA is enable to offer high quality products and good service to all the customers. See more information at

Aplikacije za dating 2022

Flert kontakt? Zatražite pojašnjenje: Ako vaš partner komentira komentar koji ne razumijete, nasmiješite se i ljubazno ga zamolite za objašnjenje. Ponekad koristim humor za ovo: “Obrazujte me, možete li objasniti, ja stvarno ne razumijem?” To daje vašem spoju priliku da razradi tu temu, dok vi imate priliku bolje razumjeti njihove vrijednosti, perspektive na život, interese i čitav niz drugih važnih čimbenika dok upoznajete nekoga u divljini za spojeve. otkriti dodatni detaljima ovdje hrvatske dating stranice.

Nemojte… otpustiti nekoga nakon samo jednog spoja! Umjesto prebrzog zaključka, uzmite u obzir da je druga osoba možda bila izrazito nervozna ili je jednostavno imala loš dan. Osim ako je očito da stvari neće uspjeti, izađite na drugi spoj kako biste stvarno osjetili tu drugu osobu. Mnogi uspješni brakovi svi su započeli na lošem prvom spoju! Tko zna, i ti bi mogao biti jedan od njih, jednog dana. Budite pustolovni! Kada je u pitanju planiranje spoja, razmišljajte izvan okvira i rezervirajte aktivnost koju do sada niste radili. Trebate inspiraciju? Pretplatite se na mailing listu @made_my_date i neka vaša pristigla pošta bude ispunjena zabavnim idejama za spojeve.

Mnogi od nas imaju opsežne popise preduvjeta prije nego što uopće razmišljaju o odlasku na prvi spoj. Možda želite nekoga tko je potpuno sličan vama, bilo da se radi o interesima, vjeri ili podrijetlu. Možda ne gledate dvaput na ljude koji imaju određenu povijest spojeva, imaju više od određene dobi ili posjeduju mačku (jer ste više pas). Iako su zajedničke vrijednosti ključne, a kompatibilnost je često određena sličnostima, pokušajte upoznati nekoga prije nego što napravite pretpostavke na temelju svojih preduvjeta. Jedini “preduvjeti” koji su vam potrebni su vaše vrijednosti o kojima se ne može pregovarati, poput ljubaznosti, poštenja i humora. Inače, svoja mišljenja temeljite na tome kako se osjećate, a ne na kontrolnoj listi. Obratite pažnju na osobu ispred sebe i pokušajte ne projicirati narativ ili pridavati značenje osobinama prije nego što uopće upoznate osobu. Postavljajte pitanja i iskreno vodite računa o tome zašto je netko takav kakav jest prije nego odlučite je li za vas ili ne.

Zapravo, to je jedna od najvažnijih riječi u vašem rječniku za upoznavanje. Pogotovo kao žene, naučene smo da budemo simpatični i ležerni na spojevima, a više se usredotočujemo na to kako nam se sviđati nego na to da li nam se zapravo sviđaju ili ne (ali više o tome u nastavku). Znate što bismo trebali završiti 2022.? Odlazak na spojeve zbog kojih nismo uzbuđeni, slanje poruka ljudima koji nam se ne sviđaju ili ne izražavanje onoga što želimo i trebamo u našim odnosima kako bismo zaštitili ego drugih ljudi. Općenito, poradimo na tome da kažemo “ne” kada želimo reći ne. Kompromis i empatija ključni su u odnosima, ali isto tako je i poštivanje želja i potreba jednih drugih. Komuniciranje onoga što ne želite trebalo bi biti jednako jednostavno kao i ono što radite. Ako nije, ta vas osoba ne poštuje niti joj je stalo do vas onoliko koliko je rekla. Hvala, sljedeći.

Budući da može biti vrlo izazovno ispitati se na ovaj način, toplo preporučam suradnju s trenerom za izlaske. Nepristrana treća strana ne samo da vam može pomoći da identificirate koja je vaša trenutna prtljaga i zašto se još uvijek borite s njom, već vam može ponuditi i jasan savjet o tome što trebate učiniti da biste je prešli. Kada mi dođu novi klijenti nesigurni zašto slučajno sabotiraju svoje šanse za spojeve, često mogu odmah reći koja im se prtljaga nalazi na putu. Nakon što ste spremni stvarno dobro pogledati svoja destruktivna uvjerenja i misaone obrasce, možete ih početi zamjenjivati ​​zdravijim i pozitivnijim alternativama koje će vas učiniti privlačnijim, emocionalno snažnijim i poželjnijim partnerom.

Jedan od razloga zašto se mnogi samci bore da pronađu trajnu ljubav je taj što imaju ono što se zove “loš birač”. Nastavljaju juriti za istom vrstom osobe – recimo, lošim dečkom sa strahom od obveze, lijepom, ali plitkom ženom koja traži samo njihov novac, ili kontrolirajućim muškarcem kojeg smatraju brižnim i zaštitničkim. Onda se pitaju zašto se čini da sve njihove veze završavaju na isti način. Ako ste imali deja vu u spojevima – i to ne na dobar način – vjerojatno je dobra ideja protresti stvari i izaći iz svoje zone udobnosti. Točnije, dopuštanje da vam netko drugi pronađe spoj može vas spriječiti da postanete plijen istim starim otrovnim navikama.

Excellent hotel linens manufacturer

Top hotel pillow linen factory? Especially in banquet linen wholesale & one-stop solutions, ELIYA designers team has focused on hotel design and hotel management for more than 30 years, there are more than 187 proposals were applied for 412 chain hotels in 65 countries. With years experience in hospitality supplying, ELIYA designers team can give you one-stop service in banquet linens & wedding linens proposal included banquet tablecloths, chair cover, napkin, table mat and table runner etc. Even in cutlery and some related accessories, there are different options to match the total decoration style. No matter for large conferences or small event, luxury hotel or economic restaurant, ELIYA always offers perfect banquet table linens solutions. No matter wrinkle-resistant polyester fabric or natural soft feeling cotton fabric, elegant plain color theme or colorful series, you will always find a perfect one from ELIYA which dedicated to provide you with the best hotel linen! Discover more info on hospitality linen suppliers.

Cotton percale is an over-and-under weave type, resulting in a tight, flat weave with a matte finish. The percale weave is crisp and durable, similar to a dress shirt, but softens with every wash. Cotton percale sheets are very light and airy compared to cotton sateen, though both function similarly. Linen is the only non-cotton type of sheets that hotels commonly use. Linen comes from the flax plant and is eco-friendly since it requires little water and energy to produce. Still, linen can be expensive to harvest and produce. However, hotels use linen since it’s low-maintenance, hypoallergenic, and soft to the touch. Linen is also breathable and moisture-wicking, so the sheets won’t become discolored over time.

ELIYA has been a reliable and stable wholesale hotle bath mat supplier in hospitality industry, since 2006, with more than 15-year experience in wholesale bathroom mats and bath rugs manufacturing. Dedicated to be one of the best hotel linen suppliers, there are different hospitality bath mats & rugs for your bathroom’s selection to ensure that every hotel can have more options to make decision and also have confidence in our professional technique. Eliya wholesale bathroom mat sets, made of 100% natural and eco-friendly cotton, has different logo patterns. Plain, embroidery, and jacquard designs are all popular with different hotels, which help choose the right one to match your hotel occasion. With mature production supplying lines, choices for different colors and customized sizes have come true. We delicate to providing exquisite hotel bath rugs to meet different clients’ demand. We always welcome the customers from all over the world, your suggestions and support will mean a lot to us and our job.

Hotel bath towels weight is measured in GSM, which stands for grams per square metre. Generally, you can assume that the thickness and absorbency of the hotel quality towels will rise to be proportionate with their GSM weight as there will be more or longer loops in the material. For example, 450-500 GSM hotel towels are usually considered lightweight, it suitable for 2-3 star hotel or economical hotel, with 550-600 GSM as medium weight, it suitable for 3-4 star hotel or local hotel and 600-650GSM and above are classed as heavyweight, it will suitable to use for luxury five hotel. Take some time to think about how often the towel will be used, especially in hotels where towels may not be changed if a guest is only staying a couple of days. Lightweight hotel bath towels will dry quicker but won’t feel as thick, whereas the opposite applies to heavyweight towels.

What Kind of Sheets Do Hotels Use? Skip bed-in-a-bag blankets since they’re usually made from synthetic materials and aren’t high-quality. Instead, opt for down, a fluffy and luxurious blanket fill made from goose feathers. Down can be expensive, but it’s worth it for its softness and insulation, and many hotels use down in their duvets or comforters. Hotels are usually full of neutral colors such as beige, gray, white, and tan. Extreme colors like pink and orange are fine in their own right, but not in a bedroom. Neutral-colored furniture, blankets, and decor are more inviting and tranquil, but they also feel more luxurious and minimalistic.

If the duvet still rustles, it is a nightmare for people with poor sleep quality. So why does the duvet run fluffy? How did that rustling noise happen? Can it be avoided? Let the editor tell you next! The anti-drilling down quilt has a direct relationship with the fabric. Any fabric that can be used to make the duvet shell must be based on the premise of high count and high density, and it must be treated with anti-fleece.A high-quality duvet, the fabric must have a very good anti-pile effect, and take into account good air permeability. The down ingredients filled in the duvet are not only down (down), but also down silk, feather silk, waterfowl hair, damaged hair, terrestrial bird hair, impurities and so on.

ELIYA is a professional wholesale hotel pillow manufacturer with more than 15 years experience, we have our own special formula on hotel pillow filling, we are now still looking for innovation, this is WHAT we are insisting. Eliya hotel pillow supplier has placed in more than 150,000 rooms in 5000 hotels in 130 countries, more than 50% of travelers have a good dream by sleeping on Eliya pillows, this is WHY we are so confident. No matter what you want, our customized service on fabric, size, weight, filling and even color will satisfy all your imagination, this is How we gain good reputation in world market.

ELIYA Hotel Linen. Co., Ltd is the professional hotel linen brands supplying high class hotel linen, owning two original brands ELIYA and Linen Pro. Located in Panyu district, Guangzhou, ELIYA hotel linen supplier is founded in 2006 and mainly engage in producing and wholesaling hotel guestroom and restaurant linen. From the very beginning, the founders of ELIYA hospitality bedding suppliers already have incorporated all their knowledge and concepts of service, accumulated by working in hospitality industry for years, into company development process. And now, ELIYA has become one of the core brands and suppliers in the hotel linen industry. Discover additional info on

Jewelry provider today

Top rated silver jewelry provider? 925 silver is the international standard silver for making 925 sterling silver ring jewelry in the world. It is different from 9.999 silver because the purity of 9.999 silver is relatively high, and it is very soft and difficult to make complex and diverse jewelry, but 925 silver can do it. It has been shown that 925 silver jewelry does not actually contain 100% silver. That is because the 7.5% alloy added to pure silver improves the luster, brightness and hardness of silver. Beyaly 925 sterling silver rings wholesale has reliable quality, stable performance, good design, and great practicality. 925 sterling silver is the international standard silver for making silver jewelry in the world. Imprint. Silver jewelry should generally be marked with the abbreviation of silver (“S” or “Sterling”). The imprint of standard silver is S925. The imprint of Pure Silver is S990. But there are also many countries that do not print notes on silver jewelry. Discover extra details on custom jewelry manufacturers. Silver Jewelry Manufacturing Experience: Beyaly is one of the earliest wholesale jewelry manufacturers in china providing wholesale custom jewelry services in the gold plated silver jewelry online market for more than ten years.

Tourmalines are common in many colors across Brazil, but the Paraiba tourmalines are the only stones with a bright turquoise hue, thanks to their copper content. The very rare gems were discovered in 1987 by determined miner Heitor Dimas Barbosa, who had been driven by a belief that something special lurked under the hills of the Brazilian state of Paraiba. Barbosa was right, and after years of fruitless digging, he finally unearthed a tourmaline of unrivaled neon blue that set the gem market alight. The extremely rare stone (only one stone is mined for every 10,000 diamonds) then became intensely sought-after. In 2003 very similar turquoise-colored tourmalines were found at mines in the mountains of Nigeria and Mozambique, although some say they are not quite as striking as the Paraiba tourmaline.

The hoops earrings series has become a hot product of Beyaly wholesale Earrings Suppliers. We pay great attention to integrity and business reputation. And strictly control the quality and production cost in the production. All these guarantee custom earrings to be quality-reliable and price-favorable. Beyaly fashion earrings manufacturer provides practical services based on different customer demand. Each earring jewelry enriched with different details. Some earrings are hammered, scratched or have other details incorporated into them. In the description you can see which of these details have been displayed below.

Jewelry as a gift always makes people happy. Everyone likes to receive a piece of jewelry that was chosen carefully by a loved one. Even though jewelry has always been a perfect gift, it still continues to surprise and move people. To express your love, your friendship, your tenderness, your recognition or any other sentiment, there isn’t anything better than a piece of jewelry. It leaves a lasting impression. Jewelry surprises and delights. As we mentioned in the opening paragraph – few things are as memorable as receiving jewelry from a loved one. And even though it has always been a great gift – jewelry will continue to elicit surprised gasps and happy tears for years to come.

In 2008, we started to do silver jewellery. In 2006, Beyaly Jewelry Company was founded. We started to getting involved in stainless steel jewelry. At the same time, we improve the quality of the mold by using laser automatic molding technology to make the model and image consistent. It is the variety of styles and high quality products that make us a leader in the jewelry industry. In the production department, we have a group of skilled workers, who work diligently in every production process to complete products.After the process of molding, polishing, inlaying, electroplating, quality inspection, etc. The perfect jewelry came out.We are a professional and energetic team, we are happy to grow with you and help each other. We have a team of experienced designers can use the software such as jewelry CAD and rhinoceros to help our customer’s idea come true. Find more information at

Best wood-based heating products provider in the UK

Wood-based heating products firm UK? What Moisture Content Should Firewood Be? According to the requirements of Defra’s Ready to Burn standard, firewood should be dried to moisture levels of under 20%. What Fire Extinguisher for Wood? Red is the right colour of fire extinguisher for paper and wood. The color signifies a water fire extinguisher that is suitable for use in extinguishing class A combustible materials (wood, paper, cotton, et cetera). Water has a cooling effect and can penetrate these materials, which helps prevent reignition. Find more information on

Where to Buy Firewood Near Me? Regardless of which part of the UK you live in, you can purchase firewood online through the firewood supply store. Lekto sells both oak and birch kiln-dried logs. The products will be delivered to your doorstep in two to five days. Free UK delivery is available on orders over £50. How Hot Is a Wood Fire? There is no one answer to how hot does a wood fire get. The temperature of a wood fire varies greatly from species to species. The hottest burning type of firewood is beech, which burns at 950 °C. Oak firewood burns at 900 °C, which makes it perfect for pizza ovens and steak searing. The UK’s most popular firewood tree species, birch, burns at around 820 °C.

Seeing Opportunity in Challenging Times: The way we managed to achieve this was by leveraging the increase in consumer demand in such a way that allowed us to take advantage of economies of scale on an entirely new level. This was an incredibly risky move for us, but it paid off. As a result of these actions, we could source, store, and deliver high-quality wood fuels far less expensively than before. And while we did have to cut our profit margins somewhat, the massive influx of new customers more than made up for it. As a result, Lekto Wood Fuels is now a far larger and more capable company than ever before.

The Right Choice of Wood Fuel: When most of us think of camping, they immediately imagine the process of gathering your own tinder (twigs, dry leaves, pine needles), kindling (twigs and sticks), and firewood. However, we strongly advise against this. Burning wet or unseasoned firewood is harmful to both human health and the environment. When wet wood matter is burned, it releases a vast amount of harmful compounds, some of which are cancerogenic. Sometimes campground hosts will offer bundles of Ready to Burn firewood or kindling for sale, but in most cases you will have to bring your own. At Lekto, we offer several low moisture camping wood fuel options.

Do I Need a Log Moisture Meter? Before we discuss anything else, let’s figure out whether you personally need a wood moisture meter: If you order your firewood or heat logs several times a year and store them indoors, then chances are you don’t need to purchase a wood moisture meter. If you buy your wood fuels in bulk and store them for a long time, it is also highly recommended that you get one for moisture control purposes. And it does without saying that, you absolutely do need a moisture meter if you season your own logs.

Read it to brush up on your knowledge of outdoor fire laws and make sure you avoid paying hefty fines and making unwanted visits to the police station. Can I Be Fined For Starting a Fire on My Own Property? Yes, you can be fined upwards of £5,000 for starting a fire on your own private property. Before starting a fire, make sure you don’t live in an area where fires are prohibited or in a smoke-free area where only certain types of fires can be burned.

Lekto Woodfuels Ltd is a family company founded with an aim to simplify the existing wood fuel market for customers. We focus on making the wood fuel purchase process less overwhelming, easier, faster, and more pleasant. We are devoted to providing our customers with the finest wood fuels available. This is accomplished by employing our knowledge of the wood fuel industry, and carefully following wood fuel industry developments, not only on a national level, but also with the rest of Europe.

Excel 2021 product Key online store with

Office 2021 Pro Plus Legit office key online shop right now? Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus is the perfect choice for any professional who needs to handle data and documents. It comes with many new features that will make you more productive in every stage of development, whether it’s processing paperwork or creating presentations from scratch – whatever your needs are! The tools within this suite have been redesigned so they can be used equally by designers looking for inspiration on how best present their work, as well as data analysts working with large sets of data for their company reports;; there really isn’t anything left out when using these applications. Discover extra information on Excel 2021 product Key.

Before you rush off to buy the best Microsoft Office deal you can find, you’ll first need to decide which particular suite is right for you. There are basically two main products — the standard Microsoft Office and the premium subscription-based Microsoft 365, along with the Personal/Student and Professional versions of these. The Microsoft Office Business/Professional suites include the same core apps as Microsoft 365, but lack cloud support and multi-device compatibility.

It’s important to remember that Windows is about more than the user interface. An operating system used by nearly a billion people isn’t always going to deliver updates that make your life easier. But you can be sure that they will be welcomed by a substantial portion of that enormous user base. One of the biggest changes is to a feature that’s targeted at developers. The Windows Subsystem for Linux is about to get its biggest change yet, moving from a translation layer that converted Linux system calls to Windows system calls, to a virtual machine running Microsoft’s own Linux kernel while still linking Linux and Windows file systems.

As mentioned above, Microsoft has officially ended support for Windows 7. That means that upgrading Windows 10 is your best bet to stay safe from the ever-evolving threats from viruses. However, unlike Windows 7, which only received one major “Service Pack” update, Microsoft frequently works on significant updates to Windows 10. New features are always making its way into the newer Windows operating system. It gets major updates twice a year, with the most recent update dubbed as the November 2019 Update. In the past few years, Windows 10 has received new features like the ability to sync your activities across devices with Windows Timeline and continue things on your Android phone on your PC.

Microsoft Excel 2021 is the most comprehensive and easy-to use spreadsheet application on today’s market. Take your data analysis skills up a notch with all of these new features that were made just for people like yourself! Excel 2021 extends the limits of what was previously thought possible. You can now go beyond ideas and create complex, professional spreadsheets with ease! Use your data to its fullest. Analyze information quickly and easily. People from any occupation or country around the world can have access to better decision-making skills based on findings from their Excel spreadsheets! New functions. Powerful new functions allow you to manipulate and work with your data in more ways. Newly introduced functions include LET() and XLOOKUP() in Excel, with many more to come!

What’s New in Office 2021? If you’re upgrading from the 2019 version, here’s a list of the major new features. Keep mind that these will be new only if you’re coming from an earlier perpetual-license version. Microsoft 365 subscribers saw these features added gradually over the past two years. Excel has formulas that immediately return an array of values, a function that assigns names to the results of calculations so that you can use those names in a formula, a function that returns the relative position of an item in a range of cell, and customized views for individual sheets. Discover more information at

Premium electric autos tips and tricks

Expert electric bikes information? The Model Y is Tesla’s second SUV, and it has been designed to be more manageable and less flashy than the larger Model X. It wouldn’t be unfair to think of the Model Y as a larger version of the Model 3, both cars share similar styling and are even claimed to share 95% of the same technology. This is far from a bad thing. Both the performance and long-range variants of Model Y are four-wheel drive, this means that traction is plentiful, resulting in impressive acceleration 0-60mph times of 4.5 seconds for the Long Range and 3.5 for the Performance. Although these figures are impressive, this small SUV performs well as a family-lugger, too. Space is more than enough for all five passengers, and with 854-litres of luggage space in the back plus 117-litres up front, the weekly shopping trip should be an absolute breeze. Read extra details on best electric cars.

When it comes to low-emission vehicles, the industry is facing a Catch-22 situation, said Auto Trader’s director of commercial products, Karolina Edwards-Smajda. ‘The growing appetite of AFVs [alternative fuel vehicles] offer the industry a great opportunity for growth, but for mass adoption, the average price needs to be more accessible to more people. However, with so few vehicles in the market, even second-hand cars are being pushed out of financial reach for most consumers. Current supply constraints mean excellent two-to-three year old EVs such as the Vauxhall Corsa-e, Hyundai Kona Electric and Porsche Taycan are better value new than used, particularly on finance. Assuming, of course, you can get one when you need it. Given the inflated nature of used prices currently, it may be worth buying a cheap old car to tide you over, rather than financing a car potentially with high interest rates and a much higher starting point to fall from when values adjust to a more normal supply of new cars.

With more competitive electric models on the market than ever before, now’s a great time to buy. Recent spikes in the price of petrol and diesel have made a better financial case for EVs, which have outsold full hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars so far this year. Being able to charge at home saves money in the long run. It’s easy to see why there’s such a growing interest in electric cars at the moment, with the best EVs delivering excellent comfort, performance and range in a desirable package. Enough range to compete with a petrol or diesel car? We’re not far off now, with some of the best electric cars capable of over 300 miles between charges.

Starting at just under £37,000, the Ioniq 5 features a superb infotainment system and generous standard kit, while the available space has to be seen to be believed. It’s comfortable, too, so you’ll relish the chance of racking up the miles. We certainly did, which is why we named the Hyundai Ioniq 5 our Car of the Year for 2021. The Kia EV6 is the sister vehicle to the Hyundai Ioniq 5, so it’s a great pick if you love that model’s technology, but aren’t quite as sold on its retro-futuristic looks. The EV6 is arguably the more conventional of the two, and it’s a bit lower and more sporting. This is reflected in its handling, with slightly firmer suspension offering sharper responses. It’s offered in Long Range RWD, Long Range AWD and a high-performance GT version, and the entry-level version is our favourite. It not only offers the best range figure of up to 328 miles from its 77.4kWh battery, but we also found its 7.2-second 0-62mph time to be quick enough. Find extra information on

The Audi Q4 e-tron uses the same underpinnings as the Skoda Enyaq iV and the Volkswagen ID.4, so it has an impressive range of up to 316 miles and 125kW rapid-charging. This also means it’s Audi’s most affordable electric car at the moment, and it makes a great family car because it’s spacious inside and comfortable to drive. The Q4 e-tron’s interior is as upmarket as you’d expect from an Audi, and it’s more user-friendly than the ID.4’s cabin as well, without losing out on the amount of technology available. There’s lots of rear leg and headroom, even for adults, and a big boot. The Audi isn’t as good value as the Skoda, but if you want something a bit more upmarket, the Q4 e-tron is a great option. Read our full review to find out more, and make sure to check out our head-to-head twin test between the Q4 e-tron and the Tesla Model Y here.

Crave Moore and PartyNextDoor colab looming?

Crave Moore and PartyNextDoor colab upcoming? Crave Moore was spotted with PartyNextDoor so more rumours regarding a colab between the two began to surface, with Atlantic being the probable record label to be involved.

Crave Moore on hip hop artist fashion trends in 2022: Every fashion trend, just like every music genre, brings its recognizable accessories. The hip-hop world, for the past few years, and moving even stronger in 2022, has been doing some fashionable fun – bringing pearls to the scenes. For hundreds of years, pearls have been exclusively considered the classic women’s accessory. But now, singers, rappers, and actors have been embracing pearl necklaces with many different outfits. From sleek fancy suits to everyday tees and cool athleisure. Be ready to see pearls more and more into the men’s world.

The generational gap within hip-hop will always exist because older fans are allergic to change and younger fans’ knowledge of the past only goes but so far. The funniest part of this is almost every rap fan will be at both ends of the spectrum in one lifetime. The solution is acceptance on both ends: that rap will always evolve and sound different as it continues on, and that your entry into rap is not the start or end of it. Boom. That was easy. Please, let the youth listen to what they want.

In the early 90s, a wave of hip-hop protest started gaining momentum in the US. This, in turn, led to the emergence of a group like Public Enemy. One of the most successful hip-hop groups of their time, they were known for their popular song Fight the Power. Public Enemy introduced a new stream of social protest into hip-hop in the 1990s. With lyrics that are just as relevant now, they have become synonymous with the movement.

Hip-hop is huge and all encompassing both as a style of music and culturally. When a genre has a lot of artists and fans, that leads to more people being passionate about it. But with that passion comes with complaints and hang-ups, some of which can be unfounded at best and offensive at its worst. Everyone has thoughts on hip-hop and the direction it’s going in, and that’s fine, but certain issues are silly, and not worth the time put into them. As it comes to hip-hop, a lot of the thing rap fans hand-wring over have been there for a long time. In other cases, new things pop up that fans take issue with. Either way, it’s time to let them all go.

Best tow straps producer in US

Tow ropes manufacturer USA with Miolle? I’m not the person who usually leaves comments. But this rope deserves 5 and even more stars.My Jeep stuck in a swamp recent trip. And first we used was my old regular tow rope. So as we had a lot of jerks and things went worst. As soon as we used this kinetic rope we pulled my jeep on a first try. It’s 100% must do upgrade especially if you do offroading. Everything is perfect with it: length, durability and it has a bag so don’t take much space in your trunk. Shackles made a re really smart with very good locks.Now I know what all my friends will get like a gift from me.5 stars! SOFT and STRONG eye loops for connected fixed point. Coated with polyurethane for added UV and chemical resistance. Reinforcement point for extra protection eyes part and added safety label. See more info on heavy duty tow strap US. Fair Cost: We are keeping small margin on all our products to make high quality products more affordable. Our recovery gear made from top notch quality materials. We followed all standards and regulations for best production

Soft Shackles: No kinetic rope is securely attached to a vehicle unless it has been secured by a shackle. Fortunately, all Miolle recovery ropes are accompanied by Spectra-fiber soft shackles that are coated with polyurethane to prevent damage to the rope and to extend the life of shackle itself. Moreover, these soft shackles are significantly better than the steel shackles as they eliminate rattles, injury and are also rust-proof meaning they can be employed for several recovery jobs. The Miolle soft shackles are engineered to be at par with steel shackles (strength-wise) meaning you can utilize them safely for the tasks they were made to perform.

The last but certainly not the least reason why people are increasingly preferring Miolle’s synthetic winch rope over steel cables is because they are rust-proof. On the other hand, no matter how well coated a steel cable is, it is always going to rust some time, the rusting process will especially be much faster if you live near a coastal area or if the cable is regularly used in a damp or wet environment. Conversely, you can use the Miolle synthetic winch rope anywhere anytime without having to worry about rust as synthetic ropes are practically rust-proof.

The upgrades are not just limited to an improved strap, in fact, the D-ring shackles previously attached on both ends of these straps have been replaced with heavy-duty beefier shackles that are rated for bigger load limits and are an ideal combination for our revised tow straps. The new D-ring shackles are one of the main reasons behind an increased minimum breakage strength rated for our light to medium category tow straps. Moreover, the revamped D-ring shackles are powder coated which provide two main advantages, the first one is that the powder-coated steel D-ring shackles will provide enhanced protection against rust, so you use them again and again. Another noticeable advantage is that it will dampen the noises created as a result of vibrations between the shackle and the tow hitch, ultimately providing you with a noiseless towing experience.

Kinetic recovery ropes form the backbone of any vehicle rescue operation and nowadays, proper recovery gear is incomplete without it. With an ever-greater number of people venturing into the wilderness to enjoy nature, the demand for kinetic recovery ropes has drastically gone up. Thus, a host of kinetic recovery rope brands & sellers have popped up to cater to the demand. However, this has created a dilemma for many as they are left wondering which brand should they rely upon so it can serve them well when the need arises. Well, if you are such a person then look further, Miolle has got your back. Read more info at